الرد على العمل الجبري في نظام الرعاية الصحية الأمريكي

"في أواخر الشهر الماضي ، ألغت وكالة الجمارك وحماية الحدود الأمريكية (CBP) حظرها على الواردات من شركة تصنيع قفازات مطاطية ماليزية متهمة بالمشاركة في السخرة. وقد قام مكتب الجمارك وحماية الحدود في السابق ...

Pakistan: [Provincial] Govt [of Punjab province] report sought on workers layoff

LAHORE: The Lahore High Court on Monday sought a report from the Punjab government about lay-offs of workers in industrial sector during the coronavirus pandemic lockdown in the province. Chief …

Coronavirus and directing employees to work from home: examining an employer’s duty of care

“In the present wake of the Coronavirus outbreak, many employees have been directed by their employers to work from home. The question I pose here is: what impact might such …


“On March 11 the Minister of Health and Social Protection declared the state of epidemic. On March 15 the Council of Ministers approved Normative Act. No. 3 “On taking special …

Ludhiana Hand Tools Association vs Union of India & Ors.

“Petitioner Association is filing the present writ petition under Article 32 of the Constitution of India challenging the validity and vires of Section l0(2Xl) of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 …

Kenya: UoN proposes law change to keep employees from layoffs

The University of Nairobi (UoN) has drafted legislative proposals, which include a clause shielding employees from being fired during the Covid-19 pandemic.The Covid-19 Response and Management Draft Bill also seeks …

Responsible disengagement in the time of corona

“The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis that has impacted people, governments, and economies alike. Understandably, much attention is focused on pains felt at home: rapidly rising infection and death …

Brazilian Supreme Court considers valid individual agreement to reduce wages and working hours, according to Provisional Act 936/2020, about labor measures in the pandemic of COVID-19

Provisional Act (MP) 936 was published by the Brazilian government on April 1, 2020 with the purpose of reducing the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Two MP 936 measures …

أظهرت السجلات أن الآلاف من شكاوى إدارة السلامة والصحة المهنية (OSHA) قدمت ضد الشركات بسبب مخاوف تتعلق بسلامة مكان العمل

"تم تقديم الآلاف من الشكاوى إلى المسؤولين الفيدراليين نيابة عن العمال خلال الوباء حول التعرض لفيروس التاجي ومخاوف السلامة ذات الصلة ، وفقًا للسجلات التي تم الحصول عليها بموجب ...

منظمة العمل الدولية: ممارسات الدول لمعالجة عدوى COVID-19 كإصابة مرتبطة بالعمل

تقوم GEIP بجمع ممارسات الدولة المتزايدة فيما يتعلق بعدوى COVID-19 كإصابة مرتبطة بالعمل. سيتم تحديث هذا العمل على أساس أسبوعي.
