INSIGHT: There is No Social Distance in Supply Chains Tainted by Forced Labor

As the Covid-19 pandemic ravages communities across the globe, we are witnessing an unprecedented spike in demand for immediate supplies to quarantined citizens, medical workers, and governmental agencies struggling to …

The Right to Refuse in a COVID-19 World

In view of the fact that the Ontario government has declared a state of emergency under the under section 7.0.1(1) of theEmergency Management and Civil Protection Act and passed O. Reg. 82/30 declaring …

For the Brazilian people, Bolsonaro is as dangerous as COVID-19

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), the economic and labour crisis caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic could see the number of people unemployed globally soar to almost 25 million. …

ملاحظة موجزة ETUC: التدابير الوطنية لدعم الأسر من خلال توفير تدابير الإغاثة (الضريبية) المختلفة

العمال الذين كانوا يكافحون قبل أسبوعين فقط ولكنهم أصبحوا قلقين الآن بشأن الكيفية التي سيدفعون بها فواتيرهم. نظرت بعض الدول الأعضاء في إدراج ...

Singapore: MOM will revoke work passes of migrant workers in large gatherings if they refuse to disperse

SINGAPORE – Migrant workers who gather in large numbers in public may have their work passes revoked if they do not disperse when ordered to by the authorities. In a …

من الذي سيتخلص من العمال الذين يصنعون ملابسنا؟

في قطاع الملابس والمنسوجات والأحذية - وهو قطاع سيكون أداء العمال فيه سيئًا بشكل خاص - هناك 50 مليون عامل ، كثير منهم من النساء اللائي يمثلن الأجر الأساسي لأسرهن. قليل جدا …

إجراءات العمل قصيرة الوقت عبر أوروبا (COVID-19)

تتفاوض النقابات العمالية في جميع أنحاء أوروبا على خطط عمل قصيرة الوقت مع كل من أصحاب العمل والحكومات بحيث لا يتم ترك العمال أثناء إغلاق COVID-19 ولكن بدلاً من ذلك يواصلون ...

Frontline supermarkets: unions team up with businesses to boost Austria’s COVID-19 containment efforts

Austria is in lockdown but its supermarkets are anything but. Ensuring that people have safe access to essential goods is central to our collective efforts to contain COVID-19. That’s why …

ETUC Briefing Note: National measures to avoid collective/individual lay-offs (incl. granting (additional/special) leaves)

This briefing note focuses on strategies to avoid worker lay offs and to ensure alternatives such as ‘short-term work schemes,’ teleworking, etc. to avoid a complete loss of wages. This …

ITUC Global COVID-19 Survey: Half of countries in lockdown as COVID-19 pandemic wreaks health and economic havoc on working people and their families

The International Trade Union Confederation conducted a survey regarding how countries are responding to the COVID-19 crisis and what sorts of impacts from closures, shelter in place orders, or a …
