Ecuador: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2017

Section 7 of the report addresses broadly the current situation of the workers’ rights. The report analyses the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining in the country. …

The Global Governance of Paid Domestic Work: Comparing the Impact of ILO Convention No. 189 in Ecuador and India

The article explains the situation of domestic workers in Ecuador through the years and how their situation has changed, comparing it with the experience in India, after the ILO Convention …

Labor rights of foreign migrants in Ecuador

Title in Spanish: Derechos laborales de los migrantes extranjeros en el Ecuador The Ministry of Labor of Ecuador published a document with guidelines for the control of the exercise of …

Analysis of the formal-informal transitions in the Ecuadorian labour market.

The study provides an analysis of the transition between formal and informal sectors. Throughout the report, the author reviews the literature and previous data from the national survey and statistics …

Sentence N° 375-17-SEP-CC, Case N° 0526-13-EP, Constitutional Court of Ecuador

The Constitutional Court of Ecuador has established as jurisprudential rules that workers with catastrophic/professional illnesses have labor stability and can not be separated from their jobs because of their health …

Ineffective dismissal in Ecuadorian legislation. An analysis of the reforms incorporated in the Labor Code for working mothers.

Title in Spanish: “El despido ineficaz en la legislación ecuatoriana. Un análisis de las reformas incorporadas en el Código del Trabajo para las madres trabajadoras” The article tackles the protection …

Labor and Human Rights risk analysis of Ecuador’s Palm Oil Sector

The report tackles the labor situation in Ecuador’s palm sector, including serious violations to human and labor rights and recommendations to the government.

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