مهجور؟ تأثير Covid-19 على العمال والشركات في ازدهار سلاسل توريد الملابس العالمية

"كان لوباء Covid-19 العالمي تأثير مدمر على سلاسل توريد الملابس العالمية ، وسيزداد الوضع سوءًا قبل أن يصبح". كما كانت منافذ بيع الملابس ...

Sourcing Dynamics, Workers’ Rights, and Inequality in Garment Global Supply Chains in India

This report examines the garment export business in India. While the business has seen rapid growth, the incomes and development of the workers have been disproportionately less. Factors such as …

Labor and Economic Globalization in Eastern Europe and Latin America

The first half of this article (in 26 Lab. Stud. J. 22 (2001)) explores how multinational production chains increase income inequality and decrease union power. It compares labor conditions in …
