Netherlands supreme court hands down two important rulings for road transport workers

The Netherlands supreme court has broken a ruling by the court of appeal that had previously ruled that Dutch wages were not applicable to Hungarian truck drivers working in and …

Mondial 2022: Plaintes de deux ONG contre Vinci et sa filiale qatarie

Deux ONG, le Comité contre l’Esclavage Moderne (CCEM) et Sherpa, ont annoncé jeudi le dépôt à Paris d’une plainte contre le groupe Vinci sur les conditions dans lesquelles sont construites …

نظرة عامة على السوابق القضائية للمحكمة العليا للاتحاد الروسي رقم 3 (2018)

تغطي الفقرة 15 من النظرة العامة النزاع بموجب عقد عمل بين الموظفين وصاحب العمل. وقد نظرت المحكمة العليا للاتحاد الروسي في النزاع. ...

Court rules Addison Lee drivers are workers, not self-employed

Minicab drivers for Addison Lee are not self-employed contractors but workers with rights and are entitled to the national minimum wage and paid holiday, according to the latest gig economy …

Russia: Employers Could Face Criminal Prosecution for Hiring and Firing Preretirement-Aged Persons

In the beginning of October 2018 Russia adopted the federal law “On Amendments to Criminal Code of the Russian Federation”. This law criminalizes age discrimination in the dismissing and hiring …

Precarious work precarious lives: how policy can create more security

Precarious work is a complex concept; it is not just about low-waged work (as not all types of precarious work are low-waged), but includes other factors such as the uncertainty …

N.Korean worker seeks Dutch shipbuilder’s prosecution over labour abuses

A North Korean labourer has filed a landmark criminal complaint against a Dutch shipbuilding company that allegedly profited from the abuse of workers in its supply chain in Poland and …

High Court Strikes Down Home Office Decision to Cut Support for Victims of Trafficking and Modern Slavery

The High Court today declared the decision of the Home Office to cut weekly benefits to asylum seeking victims of trafficking by over 40% – from £65 to £37.75 per …

UK: “Fulfilling the ‘British way’: beyond constrained choice — Amazon workers’ lived experiences of workfare”

This article offers an empirical study of the “British way” lauded by the Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices (TRMWP). In particular, it exposes the work experiences of low paid …

UK: “Fulfilling the ‘British way’: beyond constrained choice — Amazon workers’ lived experiences of workfare

This article offers an empirical study of the “British way” lauded by the Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices (TRMWP). In particular, it exposes the work experiences of low paid …
