The Political Economy of Russian Migration Politics

This paper contains a general overview of significant amendments to migration legislation and current developments in the area of migrant workers. In particular, the authors describe in general patent system …

UK: “False Self-Employment, Autonomy and Regulating for Decent Work: Improving Working Conditions in the UK Stripping Industry”

Research Article Abstract Posted in Front of Paywall: “A large‐scale study of working conditions in UK‐based strip dancing clubs reveals that dancers are against de facto self‐employment as it is …

UK: “Beyond Neo-Liberalism: The Trade Union Act 2016 and the Authoritarian State”

Discusses the three main characteristics of the changed trade union regulations in the U.K.’s The Trade Union Act 2016.

Holding UK companies to account in the English courts for harming people in other countries (Aug 2016)

A guide to “help communities, workers, and civil society organizations supporting them, to understand the process of using legal action in England to hold UK companies to account for harming …

Controversy over German minimum wage for international truck drivers – Q2 2015

This article discusses the consequence of the German’s introduction of national minimum wage for all employees working in Germany irrespective the employer’s location which affected international truck drivers. This has …

منغوليا: ملاحظة تفسيرية تقنية: تجريم التمييز

تتناول هذه المذكرة بإيجاز الإطار القانوني العام للتمييز في التشريعات الحالية لمنغوليا ، بما في ذلك اتفاقية التمييز (في الاستخدام والمهنة) ، 1958 (رقم 111) ، التي صدقت عليها منغوليا. حديثا ...

موجز سياسة منغوليا: العمل الجبري

يتناول موجز السياسة هذا قانون وممارسة العمل الجبري في منغوليا في ضوء اتفاقية العمل الجبري ، 1930 (رقم 29) وإلغاء اتفاقية العمل الجبري ، ...

اتحدوا الاتحاد ضد المملكة المتحدة

بعد سلسلة من المشاورات مع الأطراف المعنية ، بما في ذلك مقدم الطلب - نقابة تمثل حوالي 18000 موظف في القطاع الزراعي - نجحت حكومة المملكة المتحدة في ...

Germany: Working life experiences of LGBT people and initiatives to tackle

As name suggests, this article examines the working life of LGBT people in EU countries, including Germany. The information and data is gathered from the Eurofund’s network of European correspondents. …

Rhaman v. J C Penney Corp

Facts: On April 23, 2013, cracks were noticed in Rana Plaza, an eight-story commercial building in Savar, Bangladesh. The building was evacuated. An engineer declared Rana Plaza unsafe and requested a …
