OECD Case: Former employees vs. Heineken

NCPs involved: Netherlands NCP COUNTRY OF OPERATIONS: Democratic Republic of the Congo DATE: 14 December 2015 STATUS: Agreement ISSUES: The complaint alleged Heineken’s headquarters in the Netherlands was or should …

Federación de Servicios Privados del sindicato Comisiones obreras (CC.OO.) v Tyco Integrated Security SL, Tyco Integrated Fire & Security Corporation Servicios SA

A Spanish trade union won a case against a multinational fire and security company called Tyco. The European Court of Justice held that when workers do not have a fixed …

Manole and "Romanian Farmers Direct" ضد رومانيا

تتعلق هذه القضية برفض المحاكم الرومانية تسجيل اتحاد للمزارعين الذين يعملون لحسابهم الخاص والذي يرغب مقدم الطلب الأول في تأسيسه. رأت المحكمة أن هناك ...

Mongolia: Regulation to Issue Work Permit to Foreign Citizens and Fixing the Service Fee

This regulation is adopted by the Joint Order of the Minister of Labour and Minister of Finance of Mongolia No. A/108/149 dated June 16, 2015 on the basis of Law …

“UK government to ban restaurant owners from taking share of tips”

[Direct Quote of Online Abstract (in front of paywall): “Trade unions have experienced significant turbulence over the past three decades. In the UK and Ireland, a key change has been …

UK: University and College Union v The University of Stirling (Scotland) (Rev 1) [2015] UKSC 26

The United Kingdom (“U.K.”) Supreme Court found that an employer that wants to “dismiss as redundant” twenty (20) or more employees at one establishment within a period of ninety (90) …

جونتا ريكتورا ديل إرتزاينن ناسيونال إلكارتاسونا (إسبانيا) ضد إسبانيا

تتعلق هذه القضية بعدم قدرة أعضاء نقابة ضباط الشرطة على ممارسة الحق في الإضراب. اشتكت النقابة العمالية المتقدمة بالطلب على وجه الخصوص من الحظر ...

Transparency in Supply Chains etc.: A Practical Guide

Sets forth the Home Office’s prioritization of supply chain transparency as a threshold step towards mitigating the abusive human labor practices that plague its supply chains; the Guide states that …

Modern Slavery Act (UK)

UK Legislation: The Modern Slavery Act will give law enforcement the tools to fight modern slavery, ensure perpetrators can receive suitably severe punishments for these appalling crimes and enhance support …

Germany: Gender Quotas for Large Companies and for Federal Bodies

This article informs on adoption of Gender Quota Legislation by the Germany’s Parliament. In accordance with the legislation, over 100 listed companies that have employee representation in their boards are …
