مهجور؟ تأثير Covid-19 على العمال والشركات في ازدهار سلاسل توريد الملابس العالمية

"كان لوباء Covid-19 العالمي تأثير مدمر على سلاسل توريد الملابس العالمية ، وسيزداد الوضع سوءًا قبل أن يصبح". كما كانت منافذ بيع الملابس ...

INSIGHT: There is No Social Distance in Supply Chains Tainted by Forced Labor

As the Covid-19 pandemic ravages communities across the globe, we are witnessing an unprecedented spike in demand for immediate supplies to quarantined citizens, medical workers, and governmental agencies struggling to …

من الذي سيتخلص من العمال الذين يصنعون ملابسنا؟

في قطاع الملابس والمنسوجات والأحذية - وهو قطاع سيكون أداء العمال فيه سيئًا بشكل خاص - هناك 50 مليون عامل ، كثير منهم من النساء اللائي يمثلن الأجر الأساسي لأسرهن. قليل جدا …

ITUC Global COVID-19 Survey: Half of countries in lockdown as COVID-19 pandemic wreaks health and economic havoc on working people and their families

The International Trade Union Confederation conducted a survey regarding how countries are responding to the COVID-19 crisis and what sorts of impacts from closures, shelter in place orders, or a …

Worker-Driven Social Responsibility: Exploring a New Model for Tackling Labour Abuse in Supply Chains

This scoping report explores a new model for tackling workplace abuse and exploitation in corporate supply chains, called ‘Worker-driven Social Responsibility’ (WSR). It aims to increase understanding and knowledge of …

A New Social Contract can rebuild our workplaces and economies after COVID-19

Our world is in crisis with many faces of devastation: the devastation of inequality, climate devastation with extreme weather events and changing seasons, and now the devastation of a pandemic with no …

Can Transnational Labour Law Resolve the Crisis of Labour?

For a hundred years, the ILO has championed the cause of social justice, facilitated dialogue amongst its stakeholders, provided intelligent analysis and advice, and undertaken whatever practical on-the-ground measures its …

COVID-19 - حان الوقت للحكومات والعلامات التجارية وأرباب العمل لحماية سلسلة التوريد والعمال غير المستقرين من المشقة والعدوى

مع ظهور التأثيرات الاقتصادية وتأثيرات حقوق الإنسان على تفشي COVID-19 ، نرى مرة أخرى عمال سلسلة التوريد والعاملين في الخطوط الأمامية ، إلى جانب أولئك الذين يعملون في وظائف غير مستقرة وغير رسمية ، ...

Global database: Definition of fees and related costs in national laws and policies

The ILO has developed a global database of over 90 national laws, policies and regulations that have defined recruitment fees and related costs. By visiting the map database, you can find out …

The ‘gig’ is up: lifting the lid on the World Economic Forum’s “Charter of Principles for Good Platform Work”

Last month, the World Economic Forum published its Charter of Principles for Good Platform Work (https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-charter-of-principles-for-good-platform-work), calling it: a ground-breaking initiative by leading companies in the sector to collectively identify and commit …
