SCOTUS Decision in Jam et al v. International Finance Corporation (IFC) Denies Absolute Immunity to IFC…With Caveats

When it rains, it somehow pours. February 2019 ended up being such a landmark month for international law adjudication.  A day after the International Court of Justice released its landmark Chagos …

Book Review of Hustle and Gig by Alexandrea Ravenelle

No kid ever dreamed of growing up and driving for Uber or styling for Stitch Fix. In part, that’s because none of those companies existed when most of today’s adults …

2019 التقرير السنوي للجنة خبراء منظمة العمل الدولية حول تطبيق الاتفاقيات والتوصيات

    الإنجليزية:—ed_norm/—relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_670146.pdf الإسبانية:— ed_norm / —relconf / documents / meetingdocument / wcms_670148.pdf الفرنسية:—ed_norm/—relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_670150.pdf

BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS: A handbook for legal practitioners

The handbook follows the “three-pillar” structure of the UNGPs. Accordingly it is organised into three main sections. Chapter 1 addresses the state duty to protect against business-related human rights abuses. …

Accountability for forced labor in a globalized economy: Lessons and challenges in litigation, with examples from Qatar

The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) has investigated whether transnational companies from Europe cause or contribute to forced labor or other labor abuses along their supply chains …

ما بعد التشغيل الآلي: القانون والاقتصاد السياسي للتغيير التكنولوجي في مكان العمل

تفصل هذه المقالة العلاقة بين تقنيات المعلومات المتقدمة وقواعد قانون العمل ومعايير العمل. استنادًا إلى مراجعة مفصلة لقدرات التقنيات الحالية ، يجادل بأن الأتمتة ...

Soccer Player’s Detention Poses ‘Historic Test’ for Global Sports

 The global sports market is worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Now, this powerful industry is coming together to promote an unlikely cause: human rights. Since late November, …

الدورة 108 لمؤتمر العمل الدولي

10-21 يونيو 2019

الاجتماع السنوي للقانون والمجتمع

تحتضن الكرامة العدالة والحقوق وسيادة القانون واحترام الإنسانية والتنوع بالإضافة إلى الالتزام بمشاركة الإنسان والمواضيع التي كانت محورية في القانون والمجتمع ...

30 مايو - 2 يونيو 2019

A more comprensive approach to platform-work litigation

The employment status of platform workers has been the subject of extensive litigation in the last couple of years. In many parts of the world, these workers have tried to …
