Business lawyers, the UNGPs and supply chain risks

This legal brief looks at the business responsibility to respect human rights, and how to achieve greater coherence and clear accountability across the company. Complex, international supply chains present broader …


Crowdworking is a new form of digital work, coordinated by digital platforms. Two perspectives prevail the current media discussion. First, Crowdworking is perceived as a precarity risk for workers due …

The App as a Boss? Control and Autonomy in Application-Based Management

The rise of digital platforms requires a deeper understanding of the structural role of algorithmic management in work environments. In this interdisciplinary study, we examine how digital platforms, which offer …

Google walkout: global protests after sexual misconduct allegations

Thousands of Google staff across the world have staged a series of walkouts in protest at claims of sexual harassment, gender inequality and systemic racism. Demonstrations at the company’s offices around the …

Supply Chain: Issues and Analysis: Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Jurisdiction and governing law clauses are required, and an arbitration clause is often appropriate, whenever there is a cross-border element in a contract. Particular issues arise in the context of …

دعونا نغتنم الفرصة لضمان وجود معاهدة دولية ملزمة قوية بشأن حقوق الإنسان وحقوق الإنسان

بعد مرور أربع سنوات على تبني مجلس حقوق الإنسان التابع للأمم المتحدة قرارًا لبدء المفاوضات حول معاهدة دولية ملزمة بشأن حقوق الإنسان وحقوق الإنسان ، نبدأ اليوم مناقشات حول مشروع الصفر

تعارض الجماعات النسائية مقترحات البنك الدولي لإضعاف حقوق العمال

أعربت مجموعة واسعة من المنظمات والحلفيات النسائية عن معارضتها وشواغلها للتوصيات الأخيرة للبنك الدولي في تقرير التنمية في العالم 2019 ، والذي يركز على زيادة مرونة العمل ...

Too Good to Be True? A Comment on Hall and Krueger’s Analysis of the Labor Market for Uber’s Driver-Partners

In their comment on the article on Uber driver-partners by Jonathan Hall and Alan Krueger, the authors analyze the article’s methodological problems, including sample bias, leading questions, selective reporting of …

Gig economy protests intensify as UberEats couriers rile at new rules

Until recently, gig economy giants such as Uber and Deliveroo did not have to worry about organised workers. That was almost by design: riders and drivers work alone, at strange hours, so …

L’extrême précarité des “crowdworkers,” les ouvriers du clic, inquiète l’ONU

A l’aube des années 2000, le métier de “crowdworker” a fait son apparition. Méconnu du grand public, ce job façonne Internet en réalisant une multitude de micro-tâches rapides et répétitives, …
