Unmet Gender Promises: Making IFI policies and projects deliver on gender equal rights

“This report demonstrates that projects funded by International Financial Institutions (IFIs) often undermine the livelihoods and health of women, men, and sexual minorities (SGMs). One major reason is that the …

Labor And Trade: Prioritize The Workers

In 1947, the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom led 20 other countries to negotiate the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The agreement strove to promote economic …

UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Association and Assembly Report: Celebrating women in activism and civil society: the enjoyment of the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association by women and girls

“In the present report, the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Clement N. Voule, recognizes and elevates the contributions of women in civil …

ITUC Legal Guide – Telework

More than 59 countries have introduced telework as a measure to ensure social distancing in order to contain the spread of COVID-19. Even countries that did not introduce lockdown measures …

Fashion companies want cheaper goods—and it’s garment workers who are paying

US and European fashion companies canceled a huge volume of orders from their suppliers after Covid-19 hammered sales earlier this year. The consequences were far-reaching. Many of those factories are in low-wage …

Fratelli Tutti: Pope Francis’ Encyclical and Implications for Labour Law

On 3 October 2020, Pope Francis signed his encyclical, Fratelli Tutti – on fraternity and social friendship. This sets forth his vision of what is needed to inspire a ‘rebirth’ of ‘fraternity …

Resilience and Women Micro-Entrepreneurs: COVID-19 and Beyond

On behalf of SEWA Bharat and UN Women, we’re pleased to invite you to attend a webinar on November 2, 2020, at 6.30 PM IST/8 AM EST titled “Resilience and Women Micro-Entrepreneurs: COVID-19 …

November 2, 2020

Leveraging Desperation: Apparel Brands’ Purchasing Practices during Covid-19

It has been seven months since the Covid-19 pandemic upended global garment supply chains, as buyers abruptly – and retroactively – canceled orders, and suppliers and workers’ rights organizations called …

Earth’s New Gilded Era

The world is getting hotter, and the divide between rich and poor is getting bigger. Consider the cantaloupe. It’s a decent melon. If you, like me, are the sort who constantly …

يجب أن يشعل ديون الموضة البالغة $16 مليار لعمال الملابس شرارة الإصلاح وليس التعاطف

بينما كنا نعتني بمبتدئي العجين المخمر ونستقر في بنطلوناتنا الرياضية أثناء الوباء ، كانت واحدة من "أكثر عمليات السرقة المالية جرأة في تاريخ الشركة" ، وفقًا لسكوت نوفا ، ...
