RONDA L. DAVIS, et al., Plaintiffs, v. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Defendant.

[1] Disparate Impact A class of former employees of the District of Columbia Child and Family Services Agency may proceed with their claim that they were laid off during a reduction …

Black D.C. City Workers Advance Civil Rights Claim Over Layoffs

Black former employees of the District of Columbia Child and Family Services Agency who lost their jobs during a reduction in force offered enough details and data to proceed with …

Detecting slave-made goods from China is growing harder, U.S. says

Major brands face a growing challenge to root out forced labor in Chinese supply chains, the top U.S. anti-human trafficking official said Friday, as the United States stepped up the …


“The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing inequalities and human rights abuses in Mexico. The response of federal and local governments as well as business have been widely discussed in the …

U.S. apparel watchdog probes Jockey’s Indian partner after human rights abuse allegations

A top apparel industry watchdog has launched an investigation into underwear maker Jockey International’s Indian partner Page Industries Ltd following allegations of human rights abuses at one of its factories, …

Glossier and the rise of workers using social media to hold employers accountable

America has faced a racial reckoning following the police killing of George Floyd, and corporate America hasn’t been immune. In late spring, while protests popped up across the country and …

US adds Malaysian rubber gloves onto list of goods produced with forced labour

The US Department of Labor (DOL) has added Malaysian rubber gloves to its latest list of goods produced with forced labour, dealing the industry another blow after two key players …

Collective bargaining belongs at the center of our democracy

We are at an inflection point in American history. COVID-19 and the resulting economic impact have left more Americans unemployed than in any other point since the Great Depression. Millions cannot pay rent, …

كيف يؤثر مرض كوفيد -19 على العمال المنزليين المهاجرين؟

يعتبر المهاجرون العاملون في قطاع العمل المنزلي عاملين أساسيين في استجابة COVID-19 ، نظرًا للأدوار المهمة التي يلعبونها في رعاية الأطفال والمرضى والمعالين ، فضلاً عن صيانة المنازل ، مما يساعد على منع انتشار الفيروس. على الرغم من …

Migración y discapacidad en el 2020

Si bien calcular el número de las personas con discapacidad en el mundo es una tarea complexada، pues noوجود registros oficiales، y también porque en ese proceso se involucran otros…
