موجز سياسة منغوليا: العمل الجبري

يتناول موجز السياسة هذا قانون وممارسة العمل الجبري في منغوليا في ضوء اتفاقية العمل الجبري ، 1930 (رقم 29) وإلغاء اتفاقية العمل الجبري ، ...

China Employment Law (Legal Resources)

This guide gives a summary of the development of employment law in China and provides specific information about the Labor Contract Law, Trade Union Law, and possible future amendments to …

USA: Filipino teachers celebrate court victory in forced labour case

This is a press release reporting that a U.S. district court ordered a Los Angeles recruitment company to pay USD 4.5 million to 350 Filipino teachers for forced exploitive contracts. …

Germany: Gender Quotas for Large Companies and for Federal Bodies

This article informs on adoption of Gender Quota Legislation by the Germany’s Parliament. In accordance with the legislation, over 100 listed companies that have employee representation in their boards are …

Example of a Global Framework Agreement between Total and IndustriALL.

Example of a Global Framework Agreement between Total, the large French oil and gas company, and the IndustriALL Global Union. IndustriALL website, http://www.industriall-union.org/sites/default/files/uploads/documents/GFAs/Total/accord_monde_csr_total_-_industriall_global_union_-_22_janvier_2015_-_finale_-_english.pdf

Taiwan’s labor right associations urge the government to stop self-revealing sensitive content in the resume

For many years, for the applicant to seek a job in Taiwan, they usually use the format provided by the employers or job finding websites. This format includes numerous questionnaires …

Thailand: นายจ้างต้องปฎิบัติต่อลูกจ้างชายและหญิงโดยเท่าเทียมกันในการจ้าง (Employer must treat employee equally and not discriminate based on gender)

Thai Supreme Court (ฎ.15612/2548) ruled that employers must treat employees equally and not discriminate based on gender according to section 15 under the Labor Protection Act. However, employers can retire …

الظلم المتضمن: انتهاكات الشركات وحق الإنسان في الانتصاف (مارس 2014)

"يستكشف هذا الكتاب التحديات التي ينطوي عليها تأمين سبيل انتصاف فعال في الحالات التي تكون فيها الشركات متعددة الجنسيات من مرتكبي انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان أو متواطئين في الانتهاكات التي ترتكبها الدولة ...

Armenia: Russia Puts Squeeze on Migrant Workers 

This article discusses the Armenian migrant workers in Russia. In 2014 Russia changes the law in the detriment of Armenian migrants. Armenian migrants were allowed to stay in Russia no …

Indian Laws on Employee and Workplace Discrimination and Harassment

The article provides an understanding of the various anti-discrimination statutes in India. The article touches on the constitutional provisions that form the basis of the anti-discrimination statutes and then briefly …
