مذكرة إحاطة ETUC: حالة العمال الجبليين

تركز هذه المذكرة الموجزة على التحديات الفريدة التي تواجه "عمال الحدود" في الاتحاد الأوروبي والحلول الممكنة التي يمكن اتخاذها. عمال الحدود هم 1.5 مليون عامل ...

Italian measures to face the COVID-19 pandemic

Please click here to download information on Italy’s measures related to COVID-19: COVID-19_Italy_measures Here is information in French: ITALY – Coronavirus emergency measures

ETUI: Monitoring social and employment consequences of the COVID-19 in the EU-28

The ETUI is transforming its Reforms Watch platform into Covid Social Impact to monitor the social and employment consequences of the coronavirus (aka covid-19) in European member states. This service …

US: AFL-CIO COVID-19 and Immigrant Workers Fact Sheet

This document is meant to inform the AFL-CIO’s advocacy and representation as best as is possible in this moment–in a quickly changing situation.  For example, the U.S. Department of Labor …

New Zealand: COVID-19 Legislation and Legislative Instruments

Click here to download resource: New Zealand – COVID-19 Legislation, Legislative Instruments

ABA: Multi-Country Snapshot of COVID-19 Related Legal Changes

This contains a series of short articles describing how several countries from throughout the world are using workplace laws to combat the spread of COVID-19 and to mitigate its effects …

مذكرة إحاطة ETUC: دفع مريض والحماية الاجتماعية

تركز مذكرة الإحاطة هذه على التدابير المختلفة التي يجري اتخاذها عبر أوروبا فيما يتعلق بأنظمة وتشريعات الحماية الاجتماعية والأجور المرضية. في بعض الحالات ، كان هذا يعني ...

مذكرة إحاطة ETUC: تدابير العمل وقت قصير عبر أوروبا

تهدف مذكرة الإحاطة التي أعدتها ETUC إلى المساعدة في المفاوضات الجارية حول "خطط العمل قصيرة الوقت" كبديل عن تسريح العمال بشكل كامل ، وقادرون على ...

Putting people first 12 governments show the world how to protect lives, jobs and incomes

The ITUC has analysed the government responses of 69 countries for whom we have information on the ITUC COVID-19 webpage. The best of these responses have provided immediate support for …

India: MHA Order restricting movement of migrants and strict enforcement of lockdown measures

The Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India has issued an order dated March 29, 2020 in light of the large movement of migrant workers which have taken place in …
