Extending social protection to informal workers in the COVID-19 crisis: country responses and policy considerations

“The COVID-19 crisis and its economic and social impacts are particularly harsh for workers in the informal economy and their families. Almost 1.6 billion informal workers are affected by the …

State Attorneys General Are Helping Workers in Hard Times

These are tough times for workers, with COVID-related risks layered atop a grossly distorted power disparity that has long enabled businesses to degrade working conditions and violate labor laws. Workers …

Op-ed: This Labor Day, workers deserve protection and a Clean New Deal

“Fueled in no small part by catastrophic leadership failures in the White House, more than 186,000 lives have been lost so far from COVID-19, and the tally increases each day. It …

The View from the Ground: How the Sudden Lockdown in Delhi Continues to Affect Informal Workers

“On March 24, 2020, India was put into complete lockdown with just 4 hours’ notice. The draconian lockdown, both in its design and implementation, showed no regard for the urban poor who …

The Right to Privacy, Surveillance-by-Software and the “Home-Workplace”

“One of the lasting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic upon the world of work is likely to be a move away from the traditional workplace. In some sectors, such as …

Maintaining effective U.S. labor standards enforcement through the coronavirus recession

“Workers in the United States are experiencing record unemployment at the same time that governments across the country are facing extraordinary budget deficits. Evidence from the Great Recession of 2007—2009 …

Force majeure: Apparel buyers’ deadly weapon

The biggest problem faced by our textile industry right now is not the coronavirus. Rather, it is a small term in a sales contract that was initially created to protect …

Thailand permits migrants to stay

Cambodian migrant workers living in Thailand will be allowed to stay there until March 2022, according to an announcement made by the Cambodian embassy in Bangkok on Tuesday. Thai employers …

A Practical Guide to Teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

“The year 2020 has brought unprecedented changes to the global economy and the world of work. On the 11th of March, the World Health Organization (WHO) characterized the novel coronavirus …

COVID-19 AND THE INFORMAL ECONOMY: Impact and Response Strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa

“Close to 90 per cent of the sub-Saharan African labour force works in the informal economy. Informal economy workers, who are mostly self-employed, are particularly vulnerable to health shocks since …