Derechos sindicales centran debate en Parlamento de Uruguay

El derecho sindical a la huelga revindicativa y la proteccion de las empresas publicas centran hoy el debate en el Senado de Uruguay en torno al controversial proyecto gubermental de …

AFL-CIO v. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, United States Department of Labor

Here is the petition filed by the AFL-CIO: Emergency Petition AFL-CIO Complaint

COVID-19 crisis and the informal economy: Immediate responses and policy challenges

“This policy brief focuses on the immediate responses that countries can take to address the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on the informal economy at its early stages, while pointing …

Will global corporations take responsibility for those they have long exploited?

This commentary by Jay Ramasubramanyam, discusses the need to reevaluate, restructure, and emphasize the need for a massive shift in the way global supply chains work. In particular, multinational corporations …

PIT-CNT planteó en el Parlamento su rechazo absoluto a LUC

El orden del día de la Comisión Especial para el estudio del proyecto de ley con declaratoria de urgente consideración, para este feriado 18 de mayo, evidenciaba lo inocultable: el …

Posición del Plenario Intersindical de Trabajadores – Convención Nacional de Trabajadores (PIT-CNT) con respecto al Proyecto de Ley con declaración de urgente consideración

INTRODUCCION Se encuentra a estudio de esta Comisión del Senado el Proyecto de Ley con declaratoria de urgente consideración remitido por el Poder Ejecutivo, con fecha 28 de abril del …

“Every worker is essential and must be protected from COVID-19, no matter what” – UN rights experts

GENEVA (18 May 2020) – As countries begin to ease recent restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic, a group of UN human rights experts* call on Governments and businesses to ensure …

AFL-CIO sues feds over coronavirus workplace safety

With states reopening for business and millions of people heading back to work, the nation’s largest labor organization is demanding the federal government do more to protect workers from contracting the coronavirus …

Can fast fashion’s $2.5tn supply chain be stitched back together?

““As I am sure you are aware,” read the email, “the impact on retail will be vast.” It was only then, says Mostafiz Uddin, boss of Bangladeshi clothes manufacturer Denim …

Amazon Reaches Deal With French Unions in Coronavirus Safety Dispute

PARIS — ​Amazon has reached an agreement with French unions to reopen its warehouses in France after a lengthy battle over safety measures to protect workers against the coronavirus, capping the …