Covid-19 crisis makes clear a new concept of ‘worker’ is overdue

The crisis has highlighted the vulnerability of those outside conventional employment. A broader concept of ‘worker’ is needed to protect them equally. The Covid-19 crisis has found the western world, …

Jordan: Full Text of Defense Order No. 6

This defense order has been widely criticized by union and human rights activists, since among other things, it gies the employers the right to pay only 50% of the workers’ …

Shaping a new social contract through the pandemic

“In the midst of our COVID-19 pandemic, there are rising calls for government and business to form a ‘new social contract’. This would tackle the immediate economic hardship, and more …

ILO Monitor 2nd edition: COVID-19 and the world of work Updated estimates and analysis

ILO’s updated analysis and estimates regarding the situation of workers worldwide as a result of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic closures.

ETUC Briefing Note: Human Rights & COVID-19

This briefing note by the ETUC focuses on the human rights and workers’ rights impacts from the laws, policies, and measures that countries are taking, in particular by ‘declaring states …

Cambodia: State of Emergency bill violates the rule of law

The ICJ today warned that Cambodia’s draft Law on National Administration in the State of Emergency (“State of Emergency bill”) violates basic rule of law principles and human rights, and …

COVID19 and the Corporate Duty to Respect Human Rights: It’s time for the business community to step up

“The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has appealed for human rights to be front and centre of the coordinated international response to the COVID-19 pandemic. For tens of millions of workers …

Primark announces wage fund for garment workers

Primark, one of the UK’s most popular retailers, has announced it will create a fund to help pay the wages of the millions of garment workers affected by its decision to …

Now Is the Best and Worst Time for Workers to Go on Strike

“On March 28, Chris Smalls felt like giving up. He’d spent days talking with co-workers at the Inc. warehouse in New York City’s Staten Island about how to temporarily …

Zimbabwe: Doctors sue over COVID-19 exposure

ZIMBABWE’S 1 500 doctors working at public health institutions are exposed to the killer coronavirus after government failed to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) and have sued to force authorities …