Argentina: Medidas socioeconómicas ante la crisis provocada por el coronavirus

This resource discusses the socioeconomic measures taken in Argentina in relation to COVID-19 (Spanish only).  This report discusses the large number of workers, almost half, who are employed in the …

ILO: State practice to address COVID-19 infection as a work-related injury

GEIP is collecting the growing State practice in relation to COVID-19 infection as a work-related injury. This work will be updated on a weekly basis.

ABA: Multi-Country Snapshot of COVID-19 Related Legal Changes

This contains a series of short articles describing how several countries from throughout the world are using workplace laws to combat the spread of COVID-19 and to mitigate its effects …

FATSA Argentina and the fight against COVID19

Since the very beginning of the pandemic, Fatsa and all its affiliates have been involved not only in demanding adequate and safe conditions for the workers they represent, but also …

Destituyeron a un juez por descreer de un testimonio de violencia machista

Por primera vez en el país, un Tribunal de Enjuiciamiento destituyó en septiembre pasado al juez penal Nicolás Muse Chemes, de la provincia de Santa Fe, por no aplicar las …

Argentina rinde cuentas ante la ONU por su política migratoria

El Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), la Comisión Argentina para Refugiados y Migrantes (Caref), la Red de Migrantes y Refugiadxs y otras doce organizaciones e instituciones presentaron ante …

Buenos Aires judge bans delivery apps after road accidents spike

“When a courier delivering a takeaway in Buenos Aires was hit by a car, the company’s response was not to check how he was, but to ask: “How is the …

La justicia argentina falla contra Glovo y otras dos plataformas de reparto

Un juez argentino ha ordenado al gobierno de la ciudad de Buenos Aires que prohíba las plataformas digitales que ofrecen mensajería y reparto de comida a domicilio. El fallo, de primera …

Argentina: two ex-Ford executives convicted in torture case

Two former executives of a local Ford Motor Co plant have been convicted for human rights crimes over the abduction and torture of company workers during Argentina’s 1976-83 dictatorship in a historic …

Labor & Employment Law Strategic Global Topics: Summer 2017 – Religion in Workplace

This report by EY Labor and Employment Law provides brief overviews of how religious freedom in interplays with rights of the employer in their workplace in 24 countries.$FILE/ey-labor-law-strategic-global-topics-summer-2017-edition.pdf

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