Estimando la demanda interpuesta por la Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social, contra ROOFOODS SPAIN S.L. y las personas físicas indicadas en el encabezamiento, con personación de los sindicatos CCOO …

Workers in Spain’s Strawberry Fields Speak Out on Abuse

ALMONTE, Spain — A little over a year ago, a young mother left her children in the care of her husband in Morocco and went to work on a strawberry …

Fresh abuse claims from women picking Spain’s strawberries

Moroccan women say they have faced exploitation and abuse this year in the strawberry fields of southern Spain, which supplies fruit to supermarkets and restaurants across the UK. International human …

Spanish court rules Deliveroo riders are employees

A Spanish court ruled Thursday that online food delivery group Deliveroo wrongly hired 97 riders as self-employed contractors instead of as regular workers, which costs less for the firm. Brought …

El Tribunal Supremo condena a Servicarne a indemnizar a CNT por vulnerar su derecho a la libertad sindical

La lucha de CNT se remonta al año 2014, siendo el primer sindicato que planteó reivindicaciones laborales para los socios/as-trabajadores/as de Servicarne. Una importante lucha sindical que ha culminado con …

UGT y CC.OO. insisten en modificar la reforma laboral para implementar las medidas del decreto de igualdad

UGT y CC.OO. insisten en modificar la reforma laboral para dar un mayor protagonismo a la negociación colectiva y poder ganar en “igualdad efectiva” e implementar las acciones del real …

CCOO critica condiciones laborales en talleres chinos que fabrican para Mango

CCOO ha denunciado que las jornadas laborales de los talleres chinos que fabrican para Mango y otras multinacionales son “absolutamente desproporcionadas” ya que en algunos casos se realizaban 74 horas …

Ryanair to cancel nearly 200 flights in latest strike action

Ryanair has cancelled 190 of its 2,400 scheduled flights on Friday blaming strikes by cabin crew based in Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Italy and Germany. The Irish airline, which has …

Asociación Profesional Élite Taxi v Uber Systems Spain SL

The ECJ was called to determine the extent to which Uber acts as an intermediary between drivers and passengers. An intermediation service which enables the transfer of information concerning the …

Labor & Employment Law Strategic Global Topics: Summer 2017 – Religion in Workplace

This report by EY Labor and Employment Law provides brief overviews of how religious freedom in interplays with rights of the employer in their workplace in 24 countries. https://www.ey.com/Publication/vwLUAssets/ey-labor-law-strategic-global-topics-summer-2017-edition-cover/$FILE/ey-labor-law-strategic-global-topics-summer-2017-edition.pdf

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