Labor Migration In Sweden: The Legacy Of Laval And Social Dumping

For people who like to keep an eye on far-right populism in Europe, Sweden is a perennial favorite. Last month’s elections saw the far-right Sweden Democrats (SD) take 17.5% of …

Sweden: The Labor Court provides clarity on the enforceability of non-solicitation clauses in employment contracts

During 2018, three employees (who were computer game developers for the company) resigned in order to engage in a competing business and subsequently sought to hire employees from their former …

Sweden: The Labor Court rules on discrimination on the grounds of religion during a recruitment process

A matter was brought before the Labor Court during August 2018 concerning an applicant (a woman) for a job who refused to shake the hand of her interviewer (a man). …

Sweden: The Labor Court rules on non-compete clauses in employment contracts

In 2018, a matter was brought before the Labor Court concerning four employees who resigned to commence engaging in a competing business. The Labor Court had to consider, inter alia, …

Labor & Employment Law Strategic Global Topics: Summer 2017 – Religion in Workplace

This report by EY Labor and Employment Law provides brief overviews of how religious freedom in interplays with rights of the employer in their workplace in 24 countries.$FILE/ey-labor-law-strategic-global-topics-summer-2017-edition.pdf

Sweden: Article “Introduction of statutory protection for whistleblowers”

This article considers the legislation introduced in 2017 specifically to protect whistleblowers (both permanent employees and temporary workers) who report serious wrongdoings by their employer (be it whether the employer …

Article “Discrimination Damages – Promoting or Preventing Access to Justice?”

A central aim of Swedish (and EU) labor law is to combat unlawful discrimination in the workplace and critical to this aim is ensuring that claimants are able to obtain …

Sweden: Article “Atypical Work in the Digital Age – Outline of a Trade Union Strategy for the Gig Economy”

This article considers the trend towards more uncertain forms of employment in the gig-economy and the challenges this presents for trade unions. The article outlines a union strategy to respond …

“UK government to ban restaurant owners from taking share of tips”

[Direct Quote of Online Abstract (in front of paywall): “Trade unions have experienced significant turbulence over the past three decades. In the UK and Ireland, a key change has been …

Trade Unions, immigration and immigrants in Europe revisited: Unions’ attitudes and actions under new conditions

This paper is a follow-up report of the authors’ comparative approach used in their book “Trade Unions, Immigration and Immigrants in Europe, 1960-1993. New York: Berghahn Books.”  The report examines trade …

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