
Foodora and the Swedish Transport Workers’ Union sign a historic collective agreement

Since February 2020, the Swedish Transport Workers’ Union and foodora have been in negotiations for a collective agreement that covers the company’s operations, including bicycle and moped bids. The collective agreement …

Myanmar Workers and Unions on the Front Lines in Fight Against Coup

On February 1, the Myanmar military staged a coup and seized power from the elected civilian government under the pretext of alleged election fraud. The coup leaders detained top government …

China court orders man to pay wife for housework in landmark case

A Beijing divorce court has ordered a man to compensate his wife for the housework she did during their marriage, in a landmark ruling. The woman will receive 50,000 yuan ($7,700; …

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Regulation is not an À la Carte menu: insights from the Uber judgment

“If we had to pick one among the many enlightening statements from the UK Supreme Court’s judgment in Uber, it would be this. It perfectly captures both the gist of …

The Impact of COVID-19 on Long-Term Care Workers in the US, UK, Canada, Ireland, and Australia

“From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, long-term care (LTC) workers around the world have been at the epicentre of the crisis, caring for those most vulnerable to the disease …

After Tazreen Fashions and Rana Plaza, Covid-19 once again exposes the human cost of fast fashion

“On 11 March 2021 it will be one year since the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a pandemic. And while almost every sector in every country on the planet has …


The report takes our five years of work collecting and analysing statements and concludes that the UK Modern Slavery Act has failed in its objective to protect victims of forced …

WE ARE NOT DISPOSABLE: Food Workers Organizing on the COVID Frontlines

Today the Food Chain Workers Alliance is launching the report “WE ARE NOT DISPOSABLE: Food Workers Organizing on the COVID Frontlines.” The report documents the devastating and disproportionate impacts of …

HesaMag: Special Edition – Occupational health in the courts

This special report on occupational safety cases brings together accounts of emblematic trials from various European countries. We hope that it will also provoke a debate about what kinds of litigation …

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