Beschäftigungsrechte in der Plattformwirtschaft - Zurück zu den Grundlagen

Der Beschäftigungsstatus von Arbeitnehmern für „Plattformwirtschaft“ -Firmen wie Uber, Lyft, TaskRabbit und Handy ist zu einem bedeutenden rechtlichen und politischen Problem geworden. Klagen gegen mehrere solcher Unternehmen…

Academic thesis: “The analog to slave labor and social dumping in the fashion industry: an analysis in the light of developments in the State of São Paulo”

In Portuguese, “O trabalho análogo ao de escravo e o dumping social na indústria da moda: uma análise à luz dos acontecimentos no Estado de São Paulo”. This dissertations scope …

“The analog to slave labor and social dumping in the fashion industry: an analysis in the light of developments in the State of São Paulo”

In Portuguese, “O trabalho análogo ao de escravo e o dumping social na indústria da moda: uma análise à luz dos acontecimentos no Estado de São Paulo.” This dissertation’s scope …

Rhaman v. J C Penney Corp

Facts: On April 23, 2013, cracks were noticed in Rana Plaza, an eight-story commercial building in Savar, Bangladesh. The building was evacuated. An engineer declared Rana Plaza unsafe and requested a …

Labor and Human Rights risk analysis of Ecuador’s Palm Oil Sector

The report tackles the labor situation in Ecuador’s palm sector, including serious violations to human and labor rights and recommendations to the government.

Informal Economy in Peru: current situation and perspectives

The document analyses two fundamental issues. First, the National Center for Strategic Planning (CEPLAN) explains the situation of informal economy in Peru in 2016 and, on the other hand, analyses …

Sustainability of Global and Local Food Value Chains: An Empirical Comparison of Peruvian and Belgian Asparagus

In this article the authors provide an analysis regarding the impact that global asparagus chains have had in Peru and Belgium, comparing the effects in both countries.

Die anhaltenden Unklarheiten der kartellrechtlichen Haftung für Arbeitnehmerkollektiv

In diesem Artikel wird die kartellrechtliche Regelung kollektiver Maßnahmen von Niedriglohnempfängern untersucht, die als selbständige Unternehmer eingestuft sind und daher vermutlich nicht die Leistungen von… erhalten.

Canada: Jaques v. 1633092 Ontario Ltd. o/a TOSH Steakhouse and Bar (2016 HRTO 403)

The tribunal found that the employer refused to shift position for the applicant due to her pregnancy, which violated the Human Rights Code that required the employer to take necessary …

Dana v. Hershey Co., 180 F. Supp. 3d 652 (N.D. Cal. 2016)

Facts Plaintiffs claimed that Hershey violated CA’s Unfair Competition Law, Consumers Legal Remedies Act, and False Advertising Law by failing to disclose that the cocoa in some of its chocolate …