Age Discrimination Law in Russia

This post provides information specifically on age discrimination.  

A training manual for judges, lawyers and legal educators on Occupational safety and health

“Occupational safety and health (OSH) has been a constant ILO concern since the Organization was founded in 1919. This concern has its roots in the extensive damage to human health …

Kernelemente eines bilateralen Abkommens oder eines Memorandum of Understanding zur Arbeitsmigration

Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) und bilaterale Arbeitsabkommen (BLAs) sind wichtige Instrumente zwischen den Herkunfts- und Zielländern. Sie tragen zur Regulierung der Arbeitsmigration bei, schützen die Rechte von Wanderarbeitnehmern…

Thailand: แนะแรงงานต่างด้าวซื้อประกัน (Suggestion migrant workers to buy health insurance)

This article encourages migrant workers to buy health insurance for a short period before getting in the social protection system in Thailand when they first enter into the country.แนะแรงงานต่างด้าวซื้อประกัน.html

OHCHR Accountability and Remedy Projekt

Ein Repository für das kürzlich von der Menschenrechtskommission durchgeführte Projekt, das "darauf abzielt, glaubwürdige, praktikable Leitlinien für die Staaten zu liefern, um eine kohärentere Umsetzung der UN-Leitprinzipien für ...

Thailand: The guideline manual for employer who hires migrant workers as employee

The article explains the procedure of hiring a migrant worker and concludes with the major points of Foreigner’s working management emergency decree No.2 B.E. 2561 (2018). Download here

Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court Revises Case Law on Fixed-Term Contracts

This article discusses about the overturn by Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court of the previous precedent of the Federal Labour Court in relation to fixed-term contracts which allowed employment contracts for …

Nigeria: Rechte von Wanderarbeitnehmern  

Dieses Dokument gibt einen Überblick über die Rechte von Wanderarbeitnehmern in Nigeria. Es umfasst die Berechtigung für den Migrantenstatus, das Recht auf Ein- und Ausreise, Beschäftigung, Bildung und Gesundheitsfürsorge. Es auch…

The Employment Law Review – Edition 9 Philippines

This review provides a broad overview of employment law and the rights of workers in Philippines. It covers the basics of the Philippine employment law, including formation of employment relationship, …

Handbook on Initial Victim Identification and Assistance for Trafficked Persons

The handbook provides the Hong Kong government and NGOs guidance on identifying and referring victims of human trafficking. The handbook also explains the legal basis for the protection of trafficked …