An Overview on Child Labor in India

This article summarizes the issue of child labor in India. Though the work participation rate of children in the country is down over the decades, India still has a high …

Eine Lösung für Fissuren? Überarbeitung des Konzepts des gemeinsamen Arbeitgebers

Der Taylor Review befasste sich unter anderem mit den Fragen des Arbeitnehmer- und Arbeitnehmerstatus für gesetzliche Zwecke und der Frage, wie das derzeitige Gesetz aktualisiert werden könnte, um die Realität von…

An Overview on Internal Migration in India: Trends and Challenges

The paper summarizes the reasons for migration within India and the challenges that migrant laborers face in the process. It provides a rich literature review of the causes and types …

Ein globales Arbeitssystem, ein globales Regulierungssystem ?: Massenarbeit und Rechtskonflikte

On-Demand-Plattformen verändern und verändern unsere Vorstellungen von Unternehmen und Arbeitsbeziehungen auf weitreichende und kritische Weise, sodass Unternehmen Mitarbeiter einstellen und Kunden suchen können.

Zeitschrift für Menschenhandel, Versklavung und konfliktbedingte sexuelle Gewalt

Multi- und interdisziplinäres Journal zum Zusammenhang zwischen Menschenhandel, Versklavung und konfliktbedingter sexueller Gewalt.

Active case finding for Tuberculosis among migrant brick kiln workers in South India

This study examines the plight of migrant brick kiln workers in Tamil Nadu, India, and their susceptibility to tuberculosis (TB). One in ten workers had symptoms and half did not …

Qualitative feedback from community participants, NGOs and external stakeholders on Freedom Fund interventions to reduce the prevalence of bonded labour in Northern India

This report evaluates the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency, and the sustainability of the Northern India Hotspot model in reducing bonded labor. The Northern India Hotspot model, launched in 2014, is …

The Fissured Worker: Personal Service Companies and Employment Rights

A personal service company (PSC) is a form of intermediary with separate legal personality used as a vehicle to provide the labour of the individual who controls the PSC. The …

China: Article from Beijing ZhongLun Law Firm “Legal Issues in the New Employment Form: Labor Relationship Identification”

This article discusses the labor relationship identification in the context of the gig economy. The authors primarily analyzed fifteen different judgments between food delivery companies and delivery drivers. Among these …

Occupational health hazards of library professionals in India

This paper studies the occupation health risks and injuries faced by librarians in India, and ways to overcome these hazards. The paper looks at a rich body of literature review …