Analysis of the Implementation of the Policy on Labor Migration 2016-2017

The Royal Government of Cambodia issued its second Labor Migration Policy (LMP) in December 2014. The LMP was developed by the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (MOLVT), relevant line …

Líderes cooperativos africanos comparten sus observaciones sobre la gira de estudios de la OIT / JCCU de 2017 en Japón

Este artículo informa sobre las observaciones y conocimientos de los líderes después de la gira de estudios en Japón. Entre estos países, el representante de Kenia pensó que las cooperativas en Kenia deberían considerar ofrecer servicios de seguros mutuos, ...

Occupational Safety and Health in the Oil and Gas Industry in Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries

This paper considers the occupational safety and health problem in the oil and gas industry. Workers in this industry may suffer physical risks, biological risks and overtime. Kenya mainly uses …

Safeguarding the Rights of Asian Migrant Workers from Home to the Workplace

This report points to the growing number of labor migrants in Asia and examines the policy question of how to best safeguard their rights. Governments and stakeholders in both origin …

Labor Migration from China to Europe: Scope and Potential

The report aims to enhance the understanding of the scope, opportunities, and challenges of labor migration from China to the EU; promote sound policies and practices; reduce the vulnerability of …

Risks and rewards: Outcomes of labor migration in South-East Asia

Labor migration has never featured more prominently within South-East Asia than it does today. However, the realities experienced by migrant workers are often hidden from view due to the temporary …

Mongolia policy brief: Freedom of Association and Collective bargaining

This policy brief examines law and practice in Mongolia in light of international labour standards relating to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Mongolia ratified both the Freedom of Association …

Mongolia: Technical explanatory note: The criminalization of discrimination

This note briefly addresses the general legal framework of discrimination in the current legislation of Mongolia, including Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), ratified by Mongolia. The newly …

Mongolia policy brief: Forced labour

This policy brief addresses the law and practice of forced labour in Mongolia in light of the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) and the Abolition of Forced Labour Covention, …

Review of labor migration policy in Malaysia

During the last few years, an increasing number of reports have documented serious labor rights abuses against migrant workers in Malaysia, including cases of forced labor and human trafficking. Responding …