“Good Gig, Bad Gig: Autonomy and Algorithmic Control in the Global Gig Economy” (United Kingdom; Southeast Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa)

In this article, the authors evaluate the positive and negative aspects of “gig economy” work in light of the 2017 “Taylor Review” in the United Kingdom.  The authors identify common …

Foster parents and fundamental labour rights

The work of parenting is a labour of love. There is no work that is harder and there is no work that is more rewarding. How many parents have reflected …

UK: “Uber, the Taylor Review, Mutuality and the Duty Not to Misrepresent Employment Status”

This article discusses how recent United Kingdom (“U.K.”) court cases support the argument that U.K. employers have a responsibility to not misrepresent the employment status of their staff. The article …

Sweden: The Labor Court rules on non-compete clauses in employment contracts

In 2018, a matter was brought before the Labor Court concerning four employees who resigned to commence engaging in a competing business. The Labor Court had to consider, inter alia, …

She Works Hard for the Money: Tacking low pay in sectors dominated by women

“LOW PAY IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE This study provides data confirming that workers in lower-skilled health and social care assistant positions earn considerably less than the national average wage …

Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court Revises Case Law on Fixed-Term Contracts

This article discusses about the overturn by Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court of the previous precedent of the Federal Labour Court in relation to fixed-term contracts which allowed employment contracts for …

‘Slavs only’ Discrimination exists in Russia, but it’s nearly impossible to prove in court

This article examines employment discrimination law in Russia. It explains that while the law prohibits employers to advertise jobs that specify race and ethnicity, color, sex, gender etc. but many …

Pimlico Plumbers Ltd v Smith

Un resumen útil de la tenencia de la Corte Suprema, que encontró que el fontanero en cuestión era en realidad un trabajador de Pimlico, se presenta en: Amie Tsang, Corte del Reino Unido ...

La Corte Suprema de la Federación de Rusia emitió el decreto que aclara algunas cuestiones relacionadas con los derechos de los empleados contratados por personas físicas y microempresas.

El Decreto No. 15 del 29 de mayo de 2018 aclara importantes cuestiones relacionadas con la regulación de la relación laboral con los empleadores: personas físicas (incluidas las que tienen un estatus de empresario individual) y microempresas. ...

“The UK Government’s consultation on employment classification and control: A response”

In this response to the United Kingdom (“U.K.”) government’s 2018 consultation efforts on how to define employment status, the authors focused on one element under consideration by the U.K. government …