Exponer el robo de salarios sin temor: los estados deben proteger a los trabajadores de represalias


Debate Over Uber and Lyft Drivers’ Rights in California Has Split Labor

California’s labor movement recently seemed on the verge of a new era for worker rights. A state court ruled that workers in the gig economy should have many of the …

Justices to Review How Federal Workers Prove Job Bias Claims

The U.S. Supreme Court accepted June 28 a petition asking for clarification on what federal government workers must prove when they file discrimination claims. The main question for the court …

XV Encuentro Latinoamericano Abodagos Laboralistas de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras

Cali, Colombia Universidad Libre - Cali

14-16 de noviembre de 2019

Demanda de trabajo forzoso contra el imperial imperial avanza

El desarrollo de mperial Pacific del Palacio Imperial en Saipan en la Mancomunidad de las Islas Marianas del Norte (CNMI) ha enfrentado muchos problemas, incluidos retrasos y juicios. Una de esas demandas ...

Lawsuit claims Grand America Hotel exploited immigrants

A lawsuit filed Tuesday accuses the luxury Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City of luring workers from the Philippines to a program that promised training and cultural immersion but …


El tribunal de distrito federal en Saipan emitió una decisión que permite que se proceda a las reclamaciones de trabajo forzoso y trata de personas de siete trabajadores de la construcción chinos. El caso, Wang, et al. v. oro ...

The Double Standard of Antitrust Law

Antitrust law, established originally to limit corporate power, has become its friend. Think about the following anomalies: • If a group of independent truck drivers forms an association to jointly bargain …

Arranca la oleada de amparos contra la reforma laboral

Al juzgado Séptimo de Distrito en Materia Laboral han llegado las primeras 8 solicitudes de amparo promovidas por organizaciones sindicales, vinculadas con la Confederación de Trabajadores de México (CTM), que buscan evitar, entre …

Treat workers as employees? Uber, Lyft and others are scrambling for a compromise

Faced with a looming threat to their way of doing business, Uber, Lyft and other major on-demand companies are trying something they’ve historically been reluctant to do: seeking compromise.  Anxious …