High Court rules chicken catcher bosses exploited workers in modern slavery case

The High Court has ruled in favour of a group of Lithuanian men who were put to work in terrible conditions by a British company, catching chickens at farms all …

Loi britannique sur l'esclavage moderne: plus pour les «sauveurs» que pour les «sauvés»

«Quelle est la réalité qui compte?» A demandé un jour l'auteur et professeur de développement Robert Chambers. Ses réflexions sur la participation devraient être intégrées à tous les domaines de la politique publique. Mardi dernier, le Royaume-Uni…

Économie du gig: le travailleur perd sa demande de paye de vacances Pimlico Plumbers

Un ingénieur en chauffage qui a obtenu gain de cause devant la Cour suprême contre Pimlico Plumbers, affirmant qu'il était un travailleur et non un travailleur indépendant, a perdu son offre de réclamer 74 000 £ en indemnités de vacances…

“Do Immigrants Trust Trade Unions? A Study of 18 European Countries” (United Kingdom; European Union; United States)

This article examines, via systematic cross-national empirical analysis of migrants’ attitudes in Western Europe, whether unions have been able to gain the trust of migrants, as expressed by the migrants …

UK: “A band aid on a gaping wound: Taylor and modern working practices” – a review article of “Good Work: The Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices”

In a critique of “Good Work: The Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices” by Matthew Taylor (the “Taylor Review”), Phil Taylor focuses on what he believes are some shortcomings of …

UK: Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd v Crawford [2019] EWCA Civ 269, [2019] WLR(D) 127 (05 March 2019)

This appellate decision, published by the England and Wales Court of Appeal (Civil Division) (“EWCA”) on Appeal from the Employment Appeal Tribunal in the United Kingdom (“U.K.”), concerned whether employees …

UK: London Underground Ltd v Amissah & Ors [2019] EWCA Civ 125 (19 February 2019), Case No: A2/2017/0040

This decision was published by the [England and Wales] Court of Appeal (Civil Division) (“EWCA”) on Appeal from the Employment Appeal Tribunal in the United Kingdom (“UKEAT”), based upon the …

“Are employers doing enough to support employees who have caring responsibilities?” (United Kingdom; England; Scotland; Wales; Northern Ireland)

This story reviews “Juggling work and unpaid care: a growing issue,” an online poll undertaken from December 28, 2018 through January 4, 2019, and the poll’s accompanying report, which was …

France, UK: “Global Framework Agreements and Trade Unions as Monitoring Agents in Transnational Corporations”

Based on a qualitative analysis of ten French multinational companies, this article pursues an empirical investigation that presents the authors’ view of what a global framework agreement should be. The …

Enceinte puis foutue: comment les contrats de bâillonnement sont-ils utilisés pour faire taire les mères renvoyées

Dans les mois qui ont suivi la rupture de l'histoire de Harvey Weinstein et celle du mouvement #MeToo, on assiste à une prise de conscience croissante de l'utilisation des accords de non-divulgation (NDA), dans certains cas,…