Discrimination et vie privée dans les espaces de travail religieux: une décision bienvenue sur les «organisations éthiques»

La semaine dernière, la Grande Chambre de la CJUE a rendu sa quatrième affaire de discrimination fondée sur la religion au titre de la directive relative à l'égalité de traitement en matière d'emploi et de travail: IR / JQ. C'est une exposition de bienvenue…


L'Institut de droit du travail organise un séminaire pour la présentation du livre: Solidarité et conflits. Le droit social européen en crise, par le professeur Silvana Sciarra. Le professeur Sciarra est juge de…

18 octobre 2018

UK, Australia: “Pre-Strike Ballots and Collective Bargaining: The Impact of Quorum and Ballot Mode Requirements on Access to Lawful Industrial Action”

This article reviews how the United Kingdom (“U.K.”)’s Trade Union Act 2016 (the “TU Act”) strike authorization laws and regulations were influenced by the requirements and regulations concerning the right …

Ryanair defiant as strike grounds flights in Germany

Pilots and cabin crew at Ryanair (RYA.I) in Germany staged a full-day walkout on Wednesday and threatened further strikes as management at Europe’s largest low-cost carrier struggled to rein in …

Recent decisions in the UK on parent company liability cases show the need for law reform

The UK is home to some of the largest multinational corporations in the world operating through integrated networks of subsidiary companies and complex supply chains. Through their global activities, UK …

La « plus grande grève de l’histoire » de Ryanair se profile

Ils avaient calmé le jeu, afin de ne pas pénaliser les nombreux vacanciers clients de la compagnie à bas coûts, mais les personnels de Ryanair ne désarment pas pour autant. …

TUC: Labour’s John McDonnell pledges ‘gig economy’ rights boost

Labour would extend workers’ rights and “restore the balance of power in the workplace”, shadow chancellor John McDonnell has said. He promised more rights for people working in the so-called …


The rapid growth of the platform economy in Europe has triggered much discussion about the future of employment rights. This report focuses on a particularly important subset of issues raised …

Guide sur l'article 4 de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme: Interdiction de l'esclavage et du travail forcé


Sweden: The Labor Court rules on discrimination on the grounds of religion during a recruitment process

A matter was brought before the Labor Court during August 2018 concerning an applicant (a woman) for a job who refused to shake the hand of her interviewer (a man). …