The Best Way to End Modern Slavery? Enable Legal Migration

For many people around the world, the fact that December 2 is celebrated as the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery may seem like an archaic throwback. After all, …

Compendium of International and National Legal Frameworks on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (SHWP) is a universal and widespread phenomenon that affects millions of women of all social strata worldwide. It is an endemic issue that has gained …

What’s missing from the future of work debates? Social protection for 2 billion workers

Although the world is abuzz over robots and automation in debates over the “future of work,” we know the reality is that 61 per cent of the world’s workers are informal. Particularly in …

Bathroom Breaks

Although workers may assume that they will have access to bathrooms at work, many workers in a wide range of industries and occupations say they cannot take the bathroom breaks …

Amazon Takes Transparency Step

Amazon took a useful first step toward transparency on November 15, 2019 by publicly disclosing on its website the names, addresses, and other details of over 1,000 facilities that produce Amazon-branded …

Precarious work makes women more vulnerable to gender-based violence

One of the main consequences of global integration has been the rise in women’s participation rates in paid work. Though some of these jobs are higher skilled ones there has …

Renewed: IndustriALL Inditex Global Framework Agreement

English Spanish

Transformer la gouvernance du travail des chaînes d'approvisionnement mondiales

Les militants et les universitaires ont salué la conclusion de l'accord sur les incendies et la sécurité des bâtiments, qui offrait l'espoir que des leçons avaient été tirées du carnage de l'effondrement du bâtiment du Rana Plaza en 2013 au Bangladesh. …

Mettre fin au travail des enfants, au travail forcé et à la traite des êtres humains dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement mondiales

En adoptant les objectifs de développement durable (ODD), la communauté mondiale s'est engagée à mettre fin au travail des enfants d'ici 2025 et au travail forcé et à la traite des êtres humains d'ici 2030. Selon le dernier…

A UN treaty on business and human rights is vital for economic and social justice

The global economic model has failed working people. The power and greed of huge corporations have captured governments, which are acting against the rights and interests of their own workers. …