Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Abuses: A Guide for Victims and NGOs on Recourse Mechanisms (May 2016)

A comprehensive guide detailing intergovernmental and judicial mechanisms in place to aid both victims and NGOs in holding multinational corporations accountable for human rights abuses in supply chains. At over …

McCoy v. Nestle USA, Inc., 173 F. Supp. 3d 954, 956 (N.D. Cal. 2016)

Issue: whether California law requires corporations to inform customers of supply chains involving slavery and child labor on their product packaging and point of sale advertising (no). Facts: Putative class …

L'essor de la «main-d'œuvre juste à temps»: travail à la demande, crowdwork et protection du travail dans la «grande économie»

La «grande économie» a connu une croissance exponentielle en nombre et en importance ces dernières années, mais son impact sur les droits des travailleurs a été largement ignoré. Les formes de travail dans la grande économie…

Nat’l Ass’n of Manufacturers v. S.E.C., 800 F.3d 518, 519 (D.C. Cir. 2015)

Issue: consideration of prior case law upon the First Amendment’s prohibition of compelled speech as it may pertain to had on our judgment that the conflict minerals disclosure requirement in …

 Normativity, Ethics, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Critical Assessment

This article critically assesses the work of the UN Special Representative for Business and Human Rights (SRSG) John Ruggie. The article adopts a normative perspective on the issue. Thus, its …

Buying power and human rights in the supply chain: legal options for socially responsible public procurement of electronic goods

Several scandals involving well-known electronics brands have highlighted the exploitative and unsafe conditions under which many workers operate in the industry’s long and complex supply chains. As large-scale consumers of …

Review of the complaint mechanism created by the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises promulgated by the OECD

John Ruggie and Tamaryn Nelson study the complaint mechanism created by the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises promulgated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. They see if there are any …

Example of a Global Framework Agreement between Total and IndustriALL.

Example of a Global Framework Agreement between Total, the large French oil and gas company, and the IndustriALL Global Union. IndustriALL website,

Global Labor Recruitment in Supply Chain Context

The paper examines the market structure of international labour recruitment, how it works and why regulations fail. It then argues for a joint liability approach to regulating recruitment, examining government led approaches in …

Dialogic Labor Regulation in the Global Supply Chain

This journal article in the Michigan Journal of International Law has a focus on transnational private labor regulation along with regulatory interactions in the space of Supply Chains.