§ 24: 34.30. Déclaration de divulgation conforme à la California Transparency in Supply Chains Act

La loi de 2010 sur les chaînes d'approvisionnement (SB 657) est entrée en vigueur. Elle oblige les détaillants et les fabricants de plus d'une certaine taille qui exercent des activités en Californie à divulguer les mesures…

OECD Case: Conectas Human Rights & ADERE MG v. coffee sellers

NCPs involved: Brazil NCP (lead), United States NCP, Italian NCP, Netherlands NCP, Switzerland NCP COUNTRY OF OPERATIONS: Brazil DATE: 21 August 2018 STATUS: Filed ISSUES: Forced labor, other rights violations …

Supreme Decree that modifies the Supreme Decree N° 009-98-TR, Regulation for the application of the right of workers of private activity to participate in the profits generated by the companies where they provide services

Title in Spanish: Decreto Supremo que modifica el Decreto Supremo N° 009-98-TR, Reglamento para la aplicación del derecho de los trabajadores de la actividad privada a participar en las utilidades …

Instructions that regulate the percentage of labor inclusion of people with disabilities

Title in Spanish: Instructivo que regula el porcentaje de inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidad The Ministry of Labor of Ecuador published a document that regulates the percentage of labor …

Pathways to Formalization: Going Beyond the Formality Dichotomy – The Case of Peru

The following research states that formalization has many facets and shades on the business and labor fronts, and firms may not be able or willing to formalize all at once. …


Gerald Bostock worked as a child advocate in the Clayton County Juvenile Court System. In 2013, he joined a gay softball league and urged players to volunteer for the county agency.  …

Engendering Exploitation: Inégalité de genre dans les programmes de migration du travail américains

Une note de politique de 2018 qui souligne à quel point les préjugés sexistes et la discrimination sont profondément ancrés dans les programmes de migration de travail temporaire. Les reportages interviewent des travailleuses temporaires qui décrivent comment les employeurs…

Evaluating Migrant Worker Rights in Canada 2018

The report provides concise report cards from each provincial and federal jurisdiction in Canada. Under certain grading system, the reporters evaluate the effect of actions taken by each jurisdiction regarding …

Paid domestic work and the struggles of care workers in Latin America

The authors compare the working conditions of domestic workers in Peru, Brazil, Uruguay and Mexico. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0011392118765259

Pérou 2017 Rapports de pays sur les pratiques des droits de l'homme

La section 7 du rapport traite de manière générale de la situation actuelle des droits des travailleurs. Le rapport analyse la liberté d'association et le droit de négociation collective dans le pays,…