Labor rights of foreign migrants in Ecuador

Title in Spanish: Derechos laborales de los migrantes extranjeros en el Ecuador The Ministry of Labor of Ecuador published a document with guidelines for the control of the exercise of …

Mise en œuvre et administration d'un programme de conformité sociale efficace

Cet article pour le barreau de la ville de New York est très répandu dans le monde de la «transparence» en matière de responsabilité de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. C'est un large aperçu de la chronologie des grands…

Recruitment Revealed Fundamental Flaws in the H-2 Temporary Worker Program and Recommendations for Change

A 2018 report documenting the issues faced by the 100,000 workers who travel to US under its H-2 programs’ recruitment system.

Book “Critical dimensions of labor reform in Brazil”

In Portuguese, “Dimensões críticas da reforma trabalhista no Brasil”. The book analyzes the dismantling of labor legislation in Brazil, approved by the Brazilian Congress in 2017. It argues that the …

“Critical dimensions of labor reform in Brazil”

In Portuguese, “Dimensões críticas da reforma trabalhista no Brasil.” The book analyzes the dismantling of labor legislation in Brazil, approved by the Brazilian Congress in 2017. It argues that the …

Keo Ratha, et al. -v- Phatthana Seafood Co., Ltd., et al.

 Keo Ratha et al. v. Phatthana Seafood Co., Ltd., et al.

Les faits 7 ressortissants cambodgiens ont engagé des poursuites contre deux usines thaïlandaises de traitement des produits de la mer, une société thaïlandaise exerçant des activités en Californie, et Rubicon Resources, LLC (une société américaine), qui…

Government of Canada offers support to vulnerable migrant workers in Canada

The Government of Canada released the news to manifest its determination to protect the migrant workers in Canada and some specific measures are also listed.

Analysis of the formal-informal transitions in the Ecuadorian labour market.

The study provides an analysis of the transition between formal and informal sectors. Throughout the report, the author reviews the literature and previous data from the national survey and statistics …

Sentence N° 375-17-SEP-CC, Case N° 0526-13-EP, Constitutional Court of Ecuador

The Constitutional Court of Ecuador has established as jurisprudential rules that workers with catastrophic/professional illnesses have labor stability and can not be separated from their jobs because of their health …