ITALIAN LEGISLATIVE DECREE No. 231/2001: A model for Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Legislation?

In 2011, the UN Human Rights Council unanimously endorsed the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The Guiding Principles emphasized, on one hand, the State duty to …

Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers An Initial Assessment

The global sanitation workforce bridges the gap between sanitation infrastructure and the provision of sanitation services. Sanitation workers provide an essential public service but often at the cost of their …

Mettre fin au travail des enfants, au travail forcé et à la traite des êtres humains dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement mondiales

En adoptant les objectifs de développement durable (ODD), la communauté mondiale s'est engagée à mettre fin au travail des enfants d'ici 2025 et au travail forcé et à la traite des êtres humains d'ici 2030. Selon le dernier…

Expérience vécue des femmes migrantes: Qatar, Bahreïn et Koweït

Les histoires des 24 femmes qui ont partagé leurs expériences de migration dans cette étude sont presque répétitives dans leurs récits de violence et d'abus. Cependant, leur compréhension de ce qu'ils ont…

Informe Empresas y Derechos Humanos: Estándares Interamericanos

La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y su Relatoría Especial sobre Derechos Económicos, Sociales, Culturales y Ambientales publicó a finales de 2019 el informe “Empresas y Derechos Humanos: Estándares Interamericanos” …

Italy: Ottobre – Novembre 2019 issue of Bollettino

New rules for riders and digital workers Law 128/2019, converting Decree Law n. 101/19 (Urgent measures for the protection of work and company crisis management) confirms that the working relationships …

The safety business: TÜV SÜD’s role in the Brumadinho dam failure in Brazil

On 15 October 2019, five Brazilians who lost close family members in the dam failure, together with ECCHR and MISEREOR, and supported by Brazilian NGOs Associação Comunitária da Jangada and …


Multinational corporations based in Europe have accelerated their foreign direct investment in the Southern states of the United States in the past quarter-century. Some companies honor workers’ freedom of association, …

Unprecedented: The Trump NLRB’s attack on workers’ rights

Under the Trump administration, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has systematically rolled back workers’ rights to form unions and engage in collective bargaining with their employers, to the detriment …

Protecting migrant construction workers: What can we learn from China, EU, US and Latin America?

This is the third in a series of papers addressing the issue of late, partial or non-payment of wages to migrant construction workers. Our work has a specific focus on …