ILO: Promoting employment and decent work in a changing landscape

The Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR) is pleased to publish this new General Survey, which addresses a crucial subject that is one of the …


Social dialogue has a vital role to play in supporting the transition from the informal to the formal economy. This transition is a key policy issue that demands urgent attention …

Interacciones de las organizaciones de trabajadores con la economía informal: Compendio de Prácticas

El Compendio de Prácticas es una recopilación de ejemplos concretos, recogidos en todo el mundo, que ilustran las vías seguidas por los sindicatos para tratar de llegar a los trabajadores …

Relations entre organisations de travailleurs et travailleurs de l’économie informelle Recueil de pratiques

Ce recueil de pratiques est une compilation d’exemples concrets, tirés du monde entier, illustrant la manière dont les syndicats ont cherché à entrer en contact avec les travailleuses et travailleurs …

Interactions between Workers’ Organizations and Workers in the Informal Economy: A Compendium of Practice

This ILO publication offers concrete examples, drawn from around the world, showing how trade unions have sought to reach out to workers in the informal economy to reduce the decent …

ILO: Achieving decent work in global supply chains

The purpose of this report is to facilitate discussion in the third meeting subsequent to the 2016 Conference discussion. In June 2019, the Governing Body determined that it should be …

Refugees and decent work: Lessons learned from recent refugee jobs compacts

The paper “addresses refugee livelihoods – in particular, waged work for refugees – from a labour standards perspective. This is in contrast to the usual approach to refugee livelihoods, in …

Ending child labour, forced labour and human trafficking in global supply chains

By adopting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the global community has committed to end child labour by 2025 and forced labour and human trafficking by 2030. According to the latest …

Ending violence and harassment in the world of work – “ILO Blue Report”

The report contains the English and French versions of the proposed texts of the Convention and Recommendation, as amended in light of the replies received, and for the reasons given …

Core elements of a bilateral agreement or a memorandum of understanding on labor migration

Memoranda of understanding (MoUs) and bilateral labor agreements (BLAs) are important instruments between the countries of origin and countries of destination. They help regulate labor migration, protect migrant workers’ rights …