The Punjab Assembly passed the Punjab Domestic Workers Act in January 2019, bringing domestic employment within the purview of the law of the country. It mandates registration of domestic workers …

When ‘business as usual’ costs lives: workers in Pakistan call for a binding safety agreement

In Karachi, Pakistan, 11 September 2012 is ingrained into people’s minds as the day on which over 250 people did not return home to their families after a long day …

Trabalhadores de vestuário do Paquistão precisam de um acordo de segurança

Este relatório analisa os riscos e violações atuais nas fábricas de roupas e tecidos do Paquistão e avalia várias iniciativas atuais no setor, que incluem aspectos de segurança, analisando seus compromissos e desempenho. ...

A step in the wrong direction

Chief Minister Punjab granted approval for exempting factories from inspection through a directive on September 2. The inspection of factories by labour officials has been suspended, according to the government’s …


This report advocates for the establishment of a legally binding agreement, between apparel brands/retailers sourcing from Pakistan and labor rights groups/unions, for the purpose of ensuring workplace safety in Pakistan’s …

Comentário: Jurisdição, acesso a remédios em casos comerciais e de direitos humanos e estrutura corporativa: uma história de dois casos

Esta nota apresenta dois casos, ambos relacionados à responsabilidade sob o dever de cuidar das empresas-mãe, a obrigação de 'due diligence' nas operações da cadeia de suprimentos e os obstáculos apresentados…

Commentary: Jabir et al vs. KiK: Do EU companies have an extraterritorial duty towards suppliers in global production chains?

Multinational companies not only maintain subsidiaries in multiple jurisdictions but have increasingly outsourced production to independent suppliers. Industrial disasters like the Ali Enterprises (AE) factory fire in Karachi, Pakistan, or …

The fault in our factories

In November, Saeeda Khatoon flew to Europe to seek justice for the death of her son and 257 others, in the Baldia factory inferno of 2012. With the support of …

Landgericht weist Klage gegen „Kik“ ab

Das Unternehmen aus Bönen lässt unter anderem in Karachi (Pakistan) produzieren. 2012 hatte es dort in der Fabrik von Ali Enterprises ein verheerendes Feuer gegeben. 259 Arbeiter kamen ums Leben. …

Der KiK-Fall: Eine ganze Industrie schaut am 10. Januar auf das LG Dortmund

Der KiK-Fall, der heute vor dem LG Dortmund verhandelt wird (AZ O 95/15), könnte eine ganze Industrie umkrempeln. Wahrscheinlich wird das nicht passieren, da die Ansprüche verjährt sein könnten. Die Argumentation der …

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