REGIONAL CASE STUDY From Ukraine to Finland and Estonia via Poland: Migration and posting of third country nationals

“This report gives an overview of the Con3Post project1 research that analyses a new and understudied phenomenon of posting third country nationals (TCNs) in the European construction sector, with a …

Dispatch 22: Polish Legislative Reform Tests a More Principled Approach to Collective Rights of Self-Employed Workers

Until 2019 Poland had one of the highest levels of workers performing personal work outside employment relationship who were at the same time fully excluded from the right to form …

Covid-19 e Direito do Trabalho. Uma revisão global

“Esta edição especial do e-Journal italiano do Direito do Trabalho pretende fornecer uma visão sistemática e informativa sobre as medidas estabelecidas pelos legisladores e / ou parceiros sociais em vários países…

ABA: Instantâneo de vários países das alterações legais relacionadas ao COVID-19

This contains a series of short articles describing how several countries from throughout the world are using workplace laws to combat the spread of COVID-19 and to mitigate its effects …


Esta nota informativa concentra-se nas várias medidas que estão sendo tomadas na Europa em relação à proteção social e regulamentos e legislação sobre subsídios por doença. Em alguns casos, isso significa ...

Nota Informativa da CES: Medidas nacionais para proteger os trabalhadores independentes

Esta nota informativa da CES concentra-se em como os Estados-Membros da UE devem também garantir que as proteções, alterações nas leis e regulamentos relativos a trabalho de curta duração, licença médica remunerada, etc. Faz …

Nota informativa da CES: Medidas nacionais para evitar demissões coletivas / individuais (incluindo concessão (adicional / especial) de licenças)

This briefing note focuses on strategies to avoid worker lay offs and to ensure alternatives such as ‘short-term work schemes,’ teleworking, etc. to avoid a complete loss of wages. This …

N.Korean worker seeks Dutch shipbuilder’s prosecution over labour abuses

A North Korean labourer has filed a landmark criminal complaint against a Dutch shipbuilding company that allegedly profited from the abuse of workers in its supply chain in Poland and …

Labor & Employment Law Strategic Global Topics: Summer 2017 – Religion in Workplace

This report by EY Labor and Employment Law provides brief overviews of how religious freedom in interplays with rights of the employer in their workplace in 24 countries.$FILE/ey-labor-law-strategic-global-topics-summer-2017-edition.pdf