Federación de Servicios Privados del sindicato Comisiones obreras (CC.OO.) v Tyco Integrated Security SL, Tyco Integrated Fire & Security Corporation Servicios SA

A Spanish trade union won a case against a multinational fire and security company called Tyco. The European Court of Justice held that when workers do not have a fixed …

Junta Rectora Del Ertzainen Nazional Elkartasuna (ER.N.E.) v. Spain

This case concerned the inability of the members of a police officers’ trade union to exercise the right to strike. The applicant trade union complained in particular of the ban …

Trade Unions, immigration and immigrants in Europe revisited: Unions’ attitudes and actions under new conditions

This paper is a follow-up report of the authors’ comparative approach used in their book “Trade Unions, Immigration and Immigrants in Europe, 1960-1993. New York: Berghahn Books.”  The report examines trade …

La afiliación sindical de la población inmigrante. El caso de CCOO de Cataluña

“La movilización de la población trabajadora inmigrante y su vinculación con las organizaciones sindicales de los países de destino continúa siendo un tema central para las ciencias sociales del trabajo. …

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