Cadeias de suprimentos de vestuário em terapia intensiva? Due Diligence de direitos humanos em tempos de crises (econômicas)

Este documento do ECCHR explora as seguintes perguntas: • Como deve ser a devida diligência por marcas e varejistas em relação a esses direitos humanos nos anos…

Accountability for forced labor in a globalized economy: Lessons and challenges in litigation, with examples from Qatar

The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) has investigated whether transnational companies from Europe cause or contribute to forced labor or other labor abuses along their supply chains …

French Case Report: Lafarge operations in Syria 2013-14

A French Criminal complaint was brought in Paris against Lafarge, which operated in Syria in 2013-14.  Sherpa and the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights brought a case on …