Acabar com o trabalho infantil, trabalho forçado e tráfico de pessoas nas cadeias de suprimentos globais

Ao adotar os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS), a comunidade global se comprometeu a encerrar o trabalho infantil em 2025 e o trabalho forçado e o tráfico de seres humanos em 2030. De acordo com as últimas…

France: Article on Discrimination in the workplace in the publication Courrier Cadre

More than one-fourth of French employees have been either a victim or a witness of sexism (30%) and racism (28%) in the workplace according to a study conducted by Glassdoor …

France: Article on Discrimination in the workplace in the publication Le Parisien

Witnesses of discrimination in the workplace confess these practices.  Recruiters are often required from their clients to find attractive candidates, people with any physical disparity such as obesity or high …

France: Article on Discrimination in the workplace in the publication Le Nouvel Obs.

France is a worldwide champion of discrimination. To get a job, it is always better to be young, white, and athletic. Even after the 2018 law was enacted, gender inequality …

Relatório das Nações Unidas: Violência contra as trabalhadoras migrantes

O presente relatório, apresentado de acordo com a resolução 72/149 da Assembléia Geral, descreve o contexto atual em relação ao problema da violência contra as mulheres trabalhadoras migrantes. Ele fornece informações sobre o…

Tráfico de pessoas, especialmente mulheres e crianças - Relatório do Relator Especial da ONU sobre tráfico de pessoas

“O presente relatório da Relatora Especial sobre o tráfico de pessoas, especialmente mulheres e crianças, Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, foi preparado em conformidade com a resolução 35/5 do Conselho de Direitos Humanos. Ao longo de seu mandato, ...

Convention and Recommendation concerning the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work/ Convention et recommandation concernant l’élimination de la violence et du harcèlement dans le monde du travail/ Convenio y recomendacion sobre la eliminación de la violencia y el acoso en el mundo del trabajo

English:—ed_norm/—relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_711140.pdf Francias:—ed_norm/—relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_711138.pdf Espanol:—ed_norm/—relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_711139.pdf

ITUC Global Trade Union Rights Index 2019 / L’indice CSI des droits dans le monde 2019 / 2019 Índice Global de los Derechos de la CSI

“Democracy is in crisis. The systematic dismantling of the foundations of workplace democracy and the violent repression of strikes and protests put at risk peace and stability. The 2019 Global …

Gender Inequality in the Workplace is declared a “Great National Cause” by E. Macron, President of the French Republique.

This webpage summarizes the French government’s policy in favor of gender equality in the workplace that the French President Emmanuel Macron referred to as “a great national cause”. Alongside gender …

WIEGO Newsletter on Law & the Informal Economy (EN, ES, FR)

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