Os agricultores da Zâmbia podem levar o Vedanta a tribunal por poluição da água. Quais são as implicações legais?

Gabrielle Holly, da Omnia Strategy LLP, analisa a decisão histórica da Suprema Corte do Reino Unido. Esta manhã, a Suprema Corte proferiu seu julgamento muito antecipado no Vedanta Resources PLC e anor v Lungowe…

Antuzis & Ors x DJ Houghton Catching Services Ltd & Ors [2019] EWHC 843 (QB) (08 de abril de 2019)

A Suprema Corte decidiu em favor de um grupo de homens lituanos que foram colocados em condições terríveis por uma empresa britânica, capturando galinhas em fazendas de todo o país…

High Court rules chicken catcher bosses exploited workers in modern slavery case

The High Court has ruled in favour of a group of Lithuanian men who were put to work in terrible conditions by a British company, catching chickens at farms all …

CES: Novas estratégias sindicais para novas formas de emprego

O inquérito foi encomendado pela CES e realizado pelos Professores Countouris e De Stefano para explorar opções para novos enquadramentos jurídicos conceptuais implícitos no surgimento de 'novos…

Employment Law in Sweden – An overview (2019)

These articles give a general overview of Swedish labor law, including the terms and conditions of employment in Sweden, employee representation and industrial relations, discrimination in the workplace, annual and …

Protecting the right to strike in the ILO and the European Court of Human Rights: the significance of Appn No 44873/09 Ognevenko v Russia – Tonia Novitz

Freedom of association is a foundational principle of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Not only is this principle recognised in the ILO Constitution, first established as Part XIII of the Treaty of Versailles, a …

Gender Inequality in the Workplace is declared a “Great National Cause” by E. Macron, President of the French Republique.

This webpage summarizes the French government’s policy in favor of gender equality in the workplace that the French President Emmanuel Macron referred to as “a great national cause”. Alongside gender …

The UK Modern Slavery Act: more for the ‘saviours’ than the ‘saved’

“Whose reality counts?” the author and professor of development Robert Chambers once asked. His reflections on participation should be incorporated into all areas of public policy. This past Tuesday the UK …

Abordar o problema do assédio moral no local de trabalho (assédio moral) está na agenda do parlamento ucraniano.

Três projetos de lei foram submetidos à Verkhovna Rada na última semana. Os advogados de Iniciativas Trabalhistas George Sandul e Inna Kudinska (membro da Rede ILAW) eram membros do Grupo de Trabalho…

Gig economy: worker loses Pimlico Plumbers holiday pay claim

A heating engineer who won a claim against Pimlico Plumbers at the supreme court, establishing he was a worker and not self-employed, has lost his bid to claim £74,000 in holiday pay …