Lyft, Uber, and Postmates are racing to file IPOs this year, a mad dash replete with ever-increasing multibillion-dollar valuations. But is the rush to start trading on the public markets also a …

Decent work for homeworkers in global supply chains: Existing and potential mechanisms for worker-centred governance

As informal wage-workers who lack recognition and legal and social protections, homeworkers face a range of decent work deficits. This paper analyses the potential of existing national and global governance …

FULL DISCLOSURE: Towards Better Modern Slavery Reporting

A new report, Full Disclosure: Toward Better Modern Slavery Reporting, by ICAR and Focus on Labour Exploitation (FLEX) takes stock of progress made under current modern slavery reporting requirements and …

WIEGO Newsletter on Law & the Informal Economy (EN, ES, FR)

English: Spanish: French:

O futuro do trabalho: litigando as relações trabalhistas na economia gigantesca

Este briefing descreve a disputa acirrada entre empresas de shows - cujos modelos de negócios se apóiam em não pagar pela proteção social dos trabalhadores - e os trabalhadores e seus advogados que se recusam a considerar essenciais…

What does the JAM v IFC decision win mean for impacted communities?

OECD: Policy Responses to New Forms of Work

This report provides a snapshot of the policy actions being taken by OECD, EU and G20 countries in response to growing diversity in forms of employment, with the aim of …

Facebook agrees to overhaul targeted advertising system for job, housing and loan ads after discrimination complaints

Facebook on Tuesday agreed to overhaul its lucrative targeted advertising system to settle accusations that landlords, lenders and employers use the platform to discriminate. The far-reaching settlement compels Facebook to …

The political economy of labor market deregulation during IMF interventions

This study examines the relationship between policy interventions by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and de jure labor rights. Combining two novel data sets with unprecedented country-year coverage – leximetric …

If Lyft can’t keep its drivers as independent contractors, it may never be profitable

Lyft’s entire business model is predicated on its relationship with its drivers. It hinges on recruiting them, keeping them happy, ensuring the company never has to provide them health insurance …