Reforma al Código Penal Hondureño viola derechos de reunión y asociación pacífica. Sindicalismo informa al Relator Especial de ONU

El 25 de junio de este año entró finalmente a regir la reforma al Código Penal en Honduras, que venía discutiéndose en su Congreso Nacional desde enero de 2018 y …

New guidance for protecting migrant workers during the coronavirus pandemic

Migrant workers are a crucial part of the global workforce, accounting for 3.5 per cent of the world’s population, according to IOM. Worldwide, micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises, rely on them, including …

New Draft of the UN Treaty on TNCs and OBEs

OEIGWG Chair-Rapporteur second revised draft LBI on TNCs and OBEs with respect to Human Rights: ‘Legally Binding Instrument to Regulate, in International Human Rights Law, the Activities of Transnational Corporations …

Convention on worst forms of child labour receives universal ratification

Formally known as Convention No. 182, the treaty, adopted two decades ago, achieved universal ratification on Tuesday, making it the most rapidly ratified Convention in the UN agency’s 101-year history. “Universal …

General Comment No. 37 on Article 21 (Right of peaceful assembly)

“The fundamental human right of peaceful assembly enables individuals to express themselves collectively and to participate in shaping their societies. The right of peaceful assembly is important in its own …

Decisiones adoptadas por el Consejo de Administración de OIT en junio de este año, relativas al envío de memorias para el Estudio General sobre Empleo y al Informe General para 2021.

El la sesión realizada el 04 de junio de este año, por el Consejo de Administración de OIT, se tomaron importantes decisiones relativas al envío de memorias de los Estados …

Convenção da OIT sobre Violência e Assédio entrará em vigor em junho de 2021

Fiji se tornou o segundo país a ratificar a Convenção da OIT sobre Violência e Assédio, 2019 (nº 190), depois que o Uruguai o fez em 12 de junho. Com o depósito desta segunda ratificação, o…

Slavery, servitude, and forced labour (ECtHR Fact Sheet)

Here is a fact sheet summarizing cases from the European Court of Human Rights on the prohibition of slavery and forced labour.  


“UN Women has developed rapid and targeted responses to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on women and girls and ensure that the long-term recovery positively impacts them. UN …

OIT: Retorno ao Trabalho Seguro - Dez Pontos de Ação

“Esta ferramenta orienta empregadores, trabalhadores e seus representantes sobre medidas preventivas para um retorno seguro ao trabalho no âmbito do COVID-19. A ferramenta segue a OIT bem estabelecida ...