Expondo o roubo salarial sem medo: os Estados devem proteger os trabalhadores da retaliação


Fim da Violência e Assédio Baseados em Gênero - Pilar 1: Justiça de Gênero nas Redes de Fornecimento de Roupas - Uma Agenda para Transformar a Fast-Fashion

“Critérios para iniciativas efetivas para acabar com a GBVH em linhas de produção As iniciativas devem incluir: 1. Identificação abrangente do espectro de GBVH específico do local - incluindo todas as formas de violência cobertas pelo direito internacional - e…

Tráfico de pessoas, especialmente mulheres e crianças - Relatório do Relator Especial da ONU sobre tráfico de pessoas

“O presente relatório da Relatora Especial sobre o tráfico de pessoas, especialmente mulheres e crianças, Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, foi preparado em conformidade com a resolução 35/5 do Conselho de Direitos Humanos. Ao longo de seu mandato, ...

Revisión de las Normas Internacionales del Trabajo. El rol del Grupo Tripartito de Trabajo del Mecanismo de Examen de Normas de la OIT (MEN)

“El Grupo de Trabajo tripartito del Mecanismo de Examen de Normas (GTT del MEN), funciona en el marco de la iniciativa relativa a las normas, que es una de las …

Thailand: ประกันสังคมเผยดูแลแรงงานต่างด้าวเหมือนผู้ประกันตนคนไทย (Social Security office guarantee the equal protection of migrant workers as Thai workers.)

The article mentioned the statement of Mr. Anantachai Uthaipattanacheep, the Secretary of Social Security Office, Ministry of Labor that the protection in the system granted to legal migrant workers in …

Thailand’s Labor Protection Act No. 7 in English version

The translation of the Labor Protection Act in English. http://www.cpg-online.de/2019/04/18/thailands-labour-protection-act-no-7/ Author: CPG (The translation conducted by Ms. Natthanicha Lephilibert, Safe and Fair National Project Coordination for Thailand, ILO, United Nations …

Gender Inequality in the Workplace is declared a “Great National Cause” by E. Macron, President of the French Republique.

This webpage summarizes the French government’s policy in favor of gender equality in the workplace that the French President Emmanuel Macron referred to as “a great national cause”. Alongside gender …

Legal status and the protection of migrant worker’s rights in Thailand

The article discusses the challenges in practices of regulations and policy regarding the protection of migrant workers from Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia in Thailand. The author also concludes that regardless …

The ugly truth behind being a gig-economy worker in India

The article deals with the worst conditions faced by gig workers employed by Indian start-up companies as per Fairwork project, an initiative led by Oxford University researchers. The article analyses …

“Unfair”, “Problematic” Labor Department Hearing in Hong Kong for Filipino Domestic Worker Fired After Employer Found Out She Has Cervical Cancer

A Filipino domestic worker in Hong Kong was fired after she has been diagnosed with cervical cancer. Her hearing at the Labour Department on her complaints against her employer did …