Article from Beijing JunHe Law Firm “CHINA LABOR & EMPLOYMENT LAW UPDATE: Beijing court rules courier to be employee”

This article introduces the recent development in the area of Chinese labor and employment law. In the last part of this article, it discusses a high-profile case decided by Beijing …

Law, skills and the creation of jobs as ‘contract’ work in India: exploring survey data to make inferences for labour law reform

This paper maps the relationship between the increasing preference for ‘contract labor’ in India. It was found that when employers are unwilling to “invest”, workers too, do not “investment” in …

UK: “Uber, the Taylor Review, Mutuality and the Duty Not to Misrepresent Employment Status”

This article discusses how recent United Kingdom (“U.K.”) court cases support the argument that U.K. employers have a responsibility to not misrepresent the employment status of their staff. The article …

Disability Discrimination in the South African Workplace: The Case of Infertility

Compared with conventional parent employees, infertile employees who use surrogacy or adoption do not have the same rights under South African current laws and this disparity may, in fact, be unfair …

Examining Employment Discrimination in South Africa, 1997-2016

This is a study that examines racial and gender employment discrimination in 1997-2016 in South Africa. This study shows that racial and gender employment discrimination are still serious issues. It …

Unpacking the Category of Migrant Workers in Trade Union Research: A Multi-Level Approach to Migrant Intersectionalities

This article debates on the use of intersectionality in employment relations research, applying such sensitivity to the field of migrant labor and showing how migration status is an inescapable category …

Occupational Health Hazard Exposure among municipal solid waste workers in Himachal Pradesh, India

This research paper investigates the occupational hazards in municipal solid waste (MSW) management across three locations in Himachal Pradesh, India. The primary data collected using a questionnaire highlights the socio-economic …

“The UK Government’s consultation on employment classification and control: A response”

In this response to the United Kingdom (“U.K.”) government’s 2018 consultation efforts on how to define employment status, the authors focused on one element under consideration by the U.K. government …

The Employment Relationship and Movement Strategies among Domestic Workers in India

This article explains how paid domestic workers in India are organizing themselves in female-dominated unions to define their relationship with their employers and demanding labor rights. The article focuses on …

Dilemmas in Rescue and Reintegration: A critical assessment of India’s policies for children trafficked for labour exploitation

The paper summaries the efforts made by the Indian government to address and prevent child trafficking. It is based on a study conducted by FXB Center for Health & Human …