The platform economy and social law : Key issues in comparative perspective

Bordeaux University’s Centre for Comparative Labour and Social Security Law (COMPTRASEC) held a European workshop in November 2018 dedicated to a comparative legal approach to the platform economy and the …

Fresh abuse claims from women picking Spain’s strawberries

Moroccan women say they have faced exploitation and abuse this year in the strawberry fields of southern Spain, which supplies fruit to supermarkets and restaurants across the UK. International human …

Devoir de vigilance : Total mis en demeure

Des associations mettent en demeure le pétrolier français au nom de la loi de 2017 sur le devoir de vigilance des multinationales. Elles mettent en cause un projet en Ouganda …

Les entreprises soumises au devoir de vigilance dans le radar des ONG

Les grandes entreprises appliquent-elles la loi sur le devoir de vigilance ? Ont-elles publié leur plan de vigilance ? Pour répondre à ces questions et s’assurer de la mise en œuvre d’une …

What lessons does France’s Duty of Vigilance law have for other national initiatives?

Last week, a group of French city mayors and NGOs (Notre Affaire à Tous, Eco Maires, Sherpa and ZEA) sent the first formal notice under the France’s Duty of Vigilance law of 2017 to …

Spanish court rules Deliveroo riders are employees

A Spanish court ruled Thursday that online food delivery group Deliveroo wrongly hired 97 riders as self-employed contractors instead of as regular workers, which costs less for the firm. Brought …

Dutch child labour due diligence law: a step towards mandatory human rights due diligence

“The Dutch law introduces a duty of care [zorgplicht] to prevent the supply of goods or services which have been produced using child labour. This duty is different to the …

Drame du Rana Plaza : quelles entreprises ont tiré les leçons ?

En 2017, quatre ans après la catastrophe qui a fait plus de 1 000 morts au Bangladesh, la France a adopté une loi sur la responsabilité des sociétés. Dans un rapport, publié ce jeudi et …

Opinion: EU-Vietnam trade deal a bad day for workers’ rights

European Union Resolution on Transparent & Predictable Working Conditions

“Whereas: (1)  Article 31 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union provides that every worker has the right to working conditions which respect his or her health, safety …