World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2020

“The World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index® 2020 is the latest report in an annual series measuring the rule of law based on the experiences and perceptions of …

Shaping a new social contract through the pandemic

“In the midst of our COVID-19 pandemic, there are rising calls for government and business to form a ‘new social contract’. This would tackle the immediate economic hardship, and more …

ILO Monitor 2nd edition: COVID-19 and the world of work Updated estimates and analysis

ILO’s updated analysis and estimates regarding the situation of workers worldwide as a result of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic closures.

ETUC Briefing Note: Human Rights & COVID-19

This briefing note by the ETUC focuses on the human rights and workers’ rights impacts from the laws, policies, and measures that countries are taking, in particular by ‘declaring states …

COVID19 and the Corporate Duty to Respect Human Rights: It’s time for the business community to step up

“The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has appealed for human rights to be front and centre of the coordinated international response to the COVID-19 pandemic. For tens of millions of workers …

Domestic violence invades the workplace: Why ILO C190 is needed in the time of Covid-19

Across sectors such as care, commerce, post, cleaning, and others, women have been leading the efforts to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. They are often the public face of the …

ILO ACTRAV Analysis: Governments’Responses to COVID-19

How Governments are responding to the pandemic of COVID-19? Find out more with this analysis…–en/index.htm?

ABA: Multi-Country Snapshot of COVID-19 Related Legal Changes

This contains a series of short articles describing how several countries from throughout the world are using workplace laws to combat the spread of COVID-19 and to mitigate its effects …

Moral bankruptcy during times of crisis: H&M just thought twice before triggering force majeure clauses with suppliers, and here’s why you should too

COVID-19 is forcing companies to make tough business decisions. But they cannot declare moral bankruptcy and expect to emerge unscathed from the pandemic. By reflexively triggering force majeure clauses to …

Putting people first 12 governments show the world how to protect lives, jobs and incomes

The ITUC has analysed the government responses of 69 countries for whom we have information on the ITUC COVID-19 webpage. The best of these responses have provided immediate support for …