Failure to tackle worker abuse breeds modern slavery, U.N. expert warns

A failure to hold companies to account for lesser labour abuses from late wage payments to excessive overtime creates a breeding ground for the worst forms of modern slavery to …

Workers’ rights in informal economies

Every day for 30 years, Gloria Solorzano has left her small house before dawn to set up a fruit and vegetable stall at a street market in Lima, Peru. She …

Workers’ rights in informal economies

Slightly more than 60% of all working people in the world are informally employed. This means that they lack the labour and social protections that help smooth income, protect against risk, …

The struggle for work with dignity through broad campaigns and social alliances

Power imbalances in global supply chains are used by multinational corporations to squeeze suppliers, and by suppliers to squeeze workers. Yet, supply chains involve far more than buyers, suppliers, and factory …

Beyond Automation: The Law & Political Economy of Workplace Technological Change

This article unpacks the relationship among advanced information technologies, employment law rules, and labor standards. Based on a detailed review of the capacities of existing technologies, it argues that automation …

Informal Employment, New Forms of Work and Enforcement of Labour Rights

The informal employment question is, first of all, a major challenge for economies and labour markets throughout the world. More than 60 per cent of the world’s employed population are …

Protecting migrant construction workers: What can we learn from China, EU, US and Latin America?

This is the third in a series of papers addressing the issue of late, partial or non-payment of wages to migrant construction workers. Our work has a specific focus on …

Women on the Move in a Changing Climate: A discussion paper on gender, climate & mobility

The sudden and slow onset impacts of climate change — in combination with other socioeconomic, political and environmental factors — are among the prominent drivers of human movement. Climate-related mobility can take many forms. …

UN Secretary-General announces new Climate Action Summit jobs initiative; urges countries to join

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres today announced a new initiative aimed at ensuring that decent job creation and protecting livelihoods are at the center of countries’ efforts to boost climate …

Fig Leaf for Fashion. How social auditing protects brands and fails workers

Over the past few decades activists, worker rights organisations and journalists have reported extensively on labour abuses, such as child labour, excessive overtime, violence, and poverty wages in factories producing …