Canada: Modern slavery bill misses the mark

For years, the United Nations and communities harmed by corporate abuse abroad have called on Canada to address the serious human rights violations associated with the overseas operations of Canadian …

CUPW v Foodora

The couriers are selected by Foodora and required to deliver food on the terms and conditions determined by Foodora in accordance with Foodora’s standards. In a very real sense, the …

With Historic Win, Foodora Couriers a Big Step Closer to Union Certification

The Ontario Labour Relations Board ruled today that couriers working for Foodora are, as Foodsters United and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers argued, dependent contractors – which means they …

Reading the Stevia Leaves: Early Clues to Federal Enforcement of the Ban on Imports Made with Forced Labour

Labor rights advocates cheered when Congress acted in 2015 to remove an exception to the longstanding ban on imports into the U.S. of products made with forced labor (Section 307 …

Reading the Stevia Leaves: Early Clues to Federal Enforcement of the Ban on Imports Made with Forced Labour

Labor rights advocates cheered when Congress acted in 2015 to remove an exception to the longstanding ban on imports into the U.S. of products made with forced labor (Section 307 …

Why Are Workers Struggling? Because Labor Law Is Broken

In March 2014, Sean Caldwell went to the first Philadelphia rally for the Fight for $15, the national campaign to raise the minimum wage and to help fast-food workers — who …


Relatório da Comissão Internacional Independente de Inquérito sobre o Impacto do Rompimento da Barragem de Brumadinho (Brasil) de 25 de janeiro de 2019 Brumadinho-Report_PT_web


Report of the International Independent Commission of Inquiry on the Impact of the January 25, 2019 Brumadinho Dam Collapse Brumadinho-Report_EN_web

Who’s Responsible Here? Establishing Legal Responsibility in the Fissured Workplace

“The nature of work is changing, with workers enduring increasingly precarious working conditions without any safety net. In response, this Article proposes a new “Concentric Circle framework” which would improve …

Brazil state judge accepts charges against Vale ex-CEO, others over dam burst

A Brazilian state judge has accepted charges against Vale SA former Chief Executive Fabio Schvartsman and 15 others related to a fatal disaster at the iron ore miner’s Brumadinho tailings …