Foodora courier fed up with delivery company’s efforts to put the brakes on unionization

Foodora workers’ push to unionize in the gig economy is “really just the first battle in a much bigger war,” says courier and union organizer Alex Kurth. This week, couriers …

The NLRB Holds That Employers May Implement Class Waivers in Response to Class Claims and Discipline Employees Who Refuse to Sign Them

Employers wishing to implement class action waivers in response to class claims and discipline employees who refuse to sign them just got some very good news from the National Labor Relations Board …

Mars, Nestle, other food companies face complaints of forced labor at palm oil supplier

Palm oil is common in U.S. diets, yet it lives in obscurity. Big food manufacturers add it to a wide array of packaged foods — it is in Skittles, Oreos …

‘We Were Treated Like Dirt’: A Visa Program Exploits Student Workers

“The foreign students came for a summer of adventure, invited to the United States for a “work experience” program, but many did not get the cultural exposure they were expecting. …

Batean amparos de la CTM contra libertad sindical

Un juzgado federal desechó, en definitiva, amparos interpuestos por la Confederación de Trabajadores de México (CTM) en contra de la democracia en elecciones de líderes, rendición de cuentas y pago de cuotas …

Urge apretar leyes a la subcontratación laboral

En la medida en que aumenta la demanda de empleos mediante subcontratación –empresas dedicadas a dar trabajos de manera secundaria con alguna compañía–, existen firmas de ese tipo que no …

Storm Clouds on the Horizon

The upcoming Supreme Court term is already brimming with consequential employment law issues on its argument docket.  But fair warning: There is little promise that the Court’s treatment of these …

Trump Administration Moves to Dissolve Immigration Judges’ Union

The Trump administration is pushing to dissolve a federal immigration judges’ union that’s been a fierce critic of its policies. In a petition filed Friday with the Federal Labor Relations Authority, the …

Amparos de sindicatos no detendrán avance de reforma laboral: Napoleón Gómez Urrutia

Aunque hay sindicatos que esperan la aprobación de un amparo a la reforma laboral al argumentar que viola la libertad sindical, el senador de la República, Napoleón Gómez Urrutia criticó …

Judge backs state on teacher unions law in Florida

A Leon County circuit judge has rejected arguments by teacher unions that a controversial 2018 education law violates collective-bargaining rights and improperly singles out teachers among public employees. Judge Angela Dempsey on …